Friday, March 13, 2009


I'm working in HD ("hell department") for tis two week for my reservice every few months. Tis time round was like hell liao....& i got myself a new Nick name...." tOxic Ivy!! hahaa...well actually i'm already "Poison Ivy" tat kills pple with my blUr blUr lOok & answerS! i've managed to pull thrU 5days of tOxic straight morningS....staring from Sun till Thurs lor! ? 5straight morningS??? initially i'm doing 4straight morningS in a row then i need OFF on fri so i change my duty with another staff who has morning shift so.....become 5morning lor......I'm osO lucky to work with nice people who helped mi alot. I had nursed a same family for 4consecutives day which drives mi CRAZY la.....They think i'm their PRIVATE nurse isit??? Keep calling mi, staring at mi & wants things done STAT!!! How??? DR can't come STAT whenever they have to response to my call....they need to walk & maybe held up by other things mah!! Pls be considerate.....I don't like my Bubble to be pOke coz i feel insecure & irritable!!! I understand tat U all going thrU alot BUT pls do consider my feelings Oso coz @ d end of d day i'm still a ordinary female HUMAN being :( I'm emotionally stressed & tired out.....For d pass 4 day i had to sleep extra early :( A simple pt D/C takes mi about 45mins "ding dong ding dong" coz of MC date la, insurance la.....?why? we r not clerk & we r not GOD to clear all ur enquires le!!!!! "C" is subsided yet ask for more & more...... I'm grumpy but i got to voice out or else i'll go crazy lor!!! Thank GOD!!! my reservice is going to END soon in 2 day time.

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