Monday, September 28, 2009


It's my 29th last 20's number to be seen & nx year I'm in d 30's club :( Yesterday went out with Priscilla, Weide, Meilan & Soon Pore to celebrate my birthday at Bugis Seoul Garden. Yuting is unable to join us but she sms....Hello..! Happy birthday to u!! Best wishes..

Daddy Lim sang mi a birthday song..... *-*

ThQ everyone for the birthday wishes :)

0413...Marilyn Tay: Happy Birthday Ivy..Stay pretty and happy always..Enjoy ur day..
0750...Belinda: Happy BiRThdAY Nanny!
Kenneth Prudential: Hi Ivy, Happy Birthday.
0836...Meilan: Happy Birthday, gal! May u stay happy always!
0934...Pigsy See: Happy birthday my Piglet...Hope U enjoy your special day :)
0957...Zhiguo: Happy birthday :)
1040...Sotong: Happy birthday missy tan! Stay happy always :)
1245...Huiling: Happy birthday. ENjoy ur day.
1239...Christina: Happy birthday to u.
1754...Renu: Hapi birthday. Many many happy returns of the day..
1949...Regine: Hey Ivy, "Happy Birthday!"

1743...Siti: hi, m late to wish u happy bday again!
2250...Kavitha: Hapi b-lated b'dae my dear fren ivy..

I've received 3bags this year.....Adidas bag from Pigsy, LV from daddy & Longchamp from colleagues :) plus pouch from Wenying.

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