Sunday, November 29, 2009


From nov9 till new job scope includes SDA. Why? I'm d chosen one to be 1mth SDA missy...thought my turn won't be tis yr But still got to face it bravely. Luckily my working partners r nice people. I think i'm not suitable to a SDA missy coz got to handle FON...people, situations, phone calls, stupid shit endless paper work & people checking on ur wk as usual etc!! On 2nd day, I yawned :p coz got to look thru many paper work, write things that i may not have done. Hopefully by end of the yr, I dun get more than 10 complains or else BOSS's hair STANDS!! Hahaa :) D most unforgetable event happen is when a client turn out when his procedure is scheduled on a different date!! Got to make phone calls & endure their angry face & words and even can't hold my tears & cried eventually...bad image...infront of my colleagues. No face :( Well, it's over hopefully...just hope that no complain letter! What my feedback so far?? I feel too much copied paper work, some times miscommunications coz d lab & ward level calls d client & may confused plus wrong informations may b delivered, client should b responsible for their own health as some dun take med after they feel "well enough". Nevertheless, I'm going to completed my task tis wk & pass the baton. What information should I pass to them? Probably d routines, d roles & situations they may face. I'm going back to my original job scope & I wonder how long I nid to function normally coz I lose touch for a month. Dear friends, pls bear with mi.

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