Sunday, March 15, 2009

it's OVER!!

Finally... IT"S OVER I've finished my 2weeks HD reservice liao!! Yahoo...means tat
i'm near to my holiday :)
After completion of 4nights.....I planned to go for Pedicure & manicUre,
waxing of my gorilla hairly leg, cut my messy bee hoOn hair, do threading & bUy
Priscilla a Charles & Keith bag & get myself a pair of Charles & Keith Orangee shOe.
I want to enjoy myself FULLY la!! Oh ya, osO attend Alice's ROm on 22nd Mar. Dinner appt Poly frez on 28th Mar & mit Begawan ex-colleagues. PLUS go HK on 23-26mar
so many programs..... ;)
27Mar go yUm cha wif lao ma :>
Eat, sleep & play is my best past timeS *-*
oh ya...can shop freely w/o seeing much Co0l man expressions....

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