Sunday, December 20, 2009


I went a charity sale + donation event on 19dec at 4pm. It's my very 1st time to do this type of charity...quite excited :) Initiallly my partner is Karin( d gal who invite me to do this) but last minute she got something my partner changed to Tasha. Upon taking over d 1st shift....I've to check to make sure d petty cash is $100 & d products. My partner hasn't arrived upon taking over so...I was quite scared & sianz coz I got to look after d booth alone?! Luckily she came shortly & we counted d items 2gether. We decided to change d arrangement to see if we could increase our sale & we moved d donation box infront so that people can donate without being shy or" can't reach" & we were happy coz it workS...I feel hungry coz I keep seeing people eating "junk" food...I had dinner break at about 6.30pm..."xiao ba wang". Interesting people asked us for toilet, delifrance & where to change for lucky draw and we helped her to keep an eye on her NTUC purchase & she bought 3books & donated $10 too!!!! Finally...closing...A lady bought all d standing note clip :) that's nice...We went to L4 to return d donations But took about 15mins more :(

Nevertheless, it's a wonderful experience & we helped d poor too:>

I heard this kid who told her mum..."U got too much $$ ah" when her mum was about to come near our booth...this kid never have to worry about his life so can't feel for others. Another kid who pass by us says>>>so poor & they still can smile?? It's because d poor is contented with what they have received from others.

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