Monday, July 28, 2014


When I woke up this morning, all my sadness relatives have more or less went back home during my sleep!

I have a one and only number 1 fans who read my silly blog entries. Though this blog, I was able to let him understand how I feel.

I received an Line sms from my LC, happy! When I saw him from far, I was smiling already! I was happy, all the evil sadness thoughts vanished in the thin air! We went to BPP for sushi lunch, bought MT & my favourite cake! He copy my eye weapon power. Did notice LC did not use iphone during lunch is almost an hour! He said...u didn't notice I did not use my IPhone for 1hr right? my heart....I thought nobody sms u mah! Silly me! Thank you for your huge effort, it is not easy.

LC is a bottle, he has bottling power, I feel it is not healthy! I am a can opener, I hope u can let me open & share your happines, sadness, stress, anger, love, ambitions, secret etc.

We went back home after lunch, Mr Hand showered me with love! I am happy! I am a happy Princess Monkey. I am thankful for your attention, love & actions! Actions speaks louder than words.

Looking forward to see u on Sunday! Be safe. Be happy. Be my favourite husband. Be healthy.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

I thought, U think, WHO confirm?

I thought U think WHO confirm ah?

Hear no Evil, See no Evil & Speak no Evil!

Ask when u r unsure, don't assume!

So sad...long weekend is ah...what ah? It is suppose to be a long weekend?! Unfortunately, time passed too quickly! Seems like I wasted my long weekend doing nothing! So sad! Plans did not fulfilled! Short-term last min plan is tailgated by Mr Murphy Law! Ms Upset came to visit me! Mr Grumpy came along empty handed. Madam Craving not satisfied. Mr Handful & Mrs Hug missed the party. Baby Regret sobbing sadly. Mr Chiongster jio me out but Ms whatever stopped me from going out to roam around & enjoy the starry starry night. Health minister asked me to study hard to get another cert that concerns my future working life. Bitter bug asked me to take to him to be sweet honey stars but I refused to talk! Quiet Beez buzzed her thoughts.

Just send some of my uninvited imaginary friends home or abroad!

Bee mindful adviced me not to make promise to others if I can't do the same to others.

Yes, yes, I noted already.

It is just another day, boring day, alone without warm hands and cold thought is ok!

Mutual agreement through communications is very very important. It make sense to me & brain washing with FAB detergent in progress, will be ready in the preset timing. Can't have the cake and eat it. Be carefully what u wished for. Not everyone is that lucky. I am already a lucky weirdo monkey!

Dear reader, please do not take my blog seriously cause it is the most random thoughts right now! I change every seconds, every minute, every hour!

Time to look for one of my love & hate friend...Byezz everyone. Cya soon cause I think five steps behind the clock! I don't talk sense cos I am not a thinker!

Enough of FON speech!

Daily life!

Can u think of a good reason to be angry after u have heard of so many unfortunate airplane crash? Be happy, do whatever u want to do! Forgive & forget whoever have bullied u! Eat whatever u want to eat & forget about dieting! Do ur best in ur job! Love the ones who mean the most & care most! My possible days that is left to live in this world is unpredicatable. Of cos I am fearful when the day comes. 

Last night, I woke up suddenly thinking of work then I can't sleep after til I dozed off in bed. Am I giving myself too much Unnessary stress? In this new job, I am a visible staff. In my previous setting, I am camoflage by many other staffs. Now got to work independently & there are only 5 of us, easily spotted to be the worse (Me the Monkey). Play by ear la! My white hair is getting more! I have no strategies to get out of this shit! 

I loved this Korean Drama 49days... I cried so much! This show is about a rich gal who is getting married soon. She bought a pretty dress for her best friend who is also her bridesmaid. While on her way to deliver it to her best friend, she met an car accident. When she "woke up", she realised that she is only a spirit. She has a last chance to live again. She has to find three person who loved her truly to get three tear drop within 49days. She lives in another gal's body during the day to look for tear drops. As times goes by, she lost faith. She found out that her fiance was with her best friend & her fiance only wants her money n not love. She could not find anyone that love her truly. However, during the period of time, she realised that there is a man who loves her truly. That guy "feels"that she is the gal whom he like. He observed the gal's eating habit, her gesture, her actions, her smile etc. Yes! He is the first person who give her the tear drop.

In reality, truth can be cruel!

Fate... I strongly believed in fate. 

I could not go LC hse ytd cos mom's leg is swollen. I have to make a trip home after I have made one new pair of specs. Yeah! LC of cos wasn't that happy...I can see that but I guess in real life, u can't have best of both world. I have to use my Libra weighing scale to make the tough decision. I have only one mom & one husband...both score 1point. Mom is old & she can't fully take of herself, LC is independent; most of the time I am not needed to take care of him. Mom-1 more point, LC-0point. Mom is getting old, anytime my dad is taking her away, LC & me also anytime have to report; both 1point. Anyway, verdict is mom is the winner. 

I am suppose to meet LC for dinner but ya...fate say today cannot meet cos LC dad has already cooked for him. Okay, initially was thinking of eating & drinking something nice but can't. Okay la, abit disappointed. Only get mom's dinner cos told mom I am going out for dinner with LC, I guess maggie mee shall be my best friend tonight. Too lazy to go out to buy other food. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Good night everyone, I am NSCU-HF nurse aka bog spec not so pretty/confident & clumsy Monkey Tan. I have worked in this department for about a month excluding my 1week leave. Before I officially become this department Staff, I was not confident that I am suitable for this job. I feel I was troublesome, do not know my job scope well & always need help. I hold to do my best in 3months time.

1) Able to screen without any assistance
2) Able to present c/s w/o shuttering
3) Able to do HFE w/o any trouble
4) Ans HF HP w/o problem
5) Able to do Clinic work smoothly

By 2nd week of August.

Timing wise... I feel time is not enough. I have many things need to do, feel like doing & want to do.

I am not sure if I am in the right Job Scope anot? Already my 3rd rotation already! Shall give myself more time. Jia You!

Blog again next time. Time for bed cause tml is another course day & a happy day!


I am pampered like a princess by my husband!! Thank you. More to come?

Received a special flower & bear gift from Husband on 17.7.14! I love it, feel like a pampered Princess. I can't remember when is the last time I receive flowers from him le! I took pictures of the flower & bear BUT sob sob...I forget to take me & the flower & bear la! However, flowers cannot live that long. I saved the bear & now she is my new friend; I named her "Beary". She will take bus with me, go work & shopping with me & be my imaginary friend. Husband...i can't wait to introduce u my new imaginary friend.

I feel LOVED esp this period when I am stressed with my new job scope as evidence by increased number of white hair & appetite.  I feel fortunate to be LOVED esp when I heard unhappy marriage from a friend. In the eyes of Singapore Law, we have been husband & wife for 7 years 8 months...coming to 8 years...For real? In the TV drama shows & there is asa saying that when your marriage reached 7 years, the couple is in danger for extra marital affairs. Hope we remained Mr & Mrs Lim for a thousand that too long for u husband...asking u 10000 of silly why questions,  irritate u, ask for silly request.

I am weird...yes...imaginary friends...yes...I have alot! Why? The reasons are simple...In real life...I have very few friends, my imaginary friends wouldn't find me boring, silly, wouldn't say they don't like me, will endure all my torture but won't leave me, I am the most clever one among my imaginary friends, I am not brainless, or stupid to be with, I will not worry that they will hurt me, shoot me with arrows etc! Thank you all for being my most royal imaginary friends & not forgetting to thank my husband for buying them.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

What about marriage?

When Venus & Mars is attracted to each other & eventually become husband  &nwife...what is the most important factor that maintain the relationship?  Personally, I feel it's communication, mutual trust & respect, quality time spend together & don't bottled up things... There might be more factors to it but for now...that's my opinion.

Man..... A sucessful career.
Woman.....A happy family that include a happy husband & kids.

I always feel I don't understand my husband cos he don't talk much about his troubles, work & stress. But I do understand a few percentage of him. Giving him "space", let him be alone to do his things freely without a irritating monkey buzzing beside him. But I do want some quality time with sometimes even for an hour for myself alone! I would stare at him & verbal request him from using his 4th mistress named Iphone.

Ranking: 1st mistress: Me...hopefully. 2nd: Sexy Xiao Hong. 3rd: Computer & PS3. 4th: Iphone.

Belinda feels my marriage is weird...she feels I should stay with LC & have a BB.

My idealistic marriage is a simple wedding ceremony if possible, if don't have also NVM. Then stay with LC & have a BB. I know the BB would not be so possible...cos I already have a old BB, Husband not keen & might be difficult to juggle.

Recently my friend & her husband faced some marriage problem. She had a fight verbally & physically with her husband & unfortunately their kids witnessed it. After that, her husband did not go home, did not answer her phone calls or Sms & left her alone with her kids. He told their close friend that she was not appreciative of his efforts as a husband & because this family, he missed the opportunities to achieve a career & he blamed her. She is very sad. There are many factors to reflect. Just hope everything goes well for her. She & he must be on lots of stress. She talks to her friends for opinions & help.

What have u learned from his scenario?

Kyoto 7-11June 2014

I have plans to go to Kyoto during my annual leave in 7-11 June since January with my friends, however it was only confirmed til the last minute & I made it! My dad was not well & eventually passed away in May. Then I was worried if my mom that she could not take it. Sometimes, she would talk to my dad's photo ..."1)ask my dad to wait, after she was her face, she will prepare breakfast for him", 2) scold my dad via photo..."sit down there no need to do anything then got food to eat ah!" 3) mom will say ..."dad keep staring at her!" However, eventually she is back in her "lalaland". I have managed to book a fairly good price air ticket from SQ at $1040 cos subsequently the ticket price went up to $1270. The lodging, food, bus & train tickets and expenses add up to estimate $3500. Actually, when I unpack I feel I did not buy much. Went to my favourite places in Kyoto...Nishiki market, the Loft & Isetan. Went to new places like Takashimaya & Aeon. Sightseeing places include the Golden Palace & Fox temple. Had very nice veg, prawn & crab tempura, very nice soba nearby Fox temple,crab feast nearby Nishiki market, desserts. Stayed in Almont hotel- not too bad for the price, 10mins walking distance from Kyoto station & we stayed at Tamahan Inn 2D1N @$300 with Dinner & breakfast included! The dinner was nice, my favourite dish would be Brinjal with rice...I ate 2bowls! The Tamahan traditional house stay is once in a lifetime expensive experience. Total estimated spend: $3500!

5D4N holiday has ended, now I feel sad! Going back to work reality facing the challenges. I need to wear shields to prevent any arrows. Already one arrow flying towards me when I go back tml.

Looking forward to my next leave to escape from work & stress.