Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It's September😇

19-21 September: 3D2N Genting trip with Hubby, Leck & Lynn. 2 scoops of world class chocolate, 1 scoop of strawberry cheesecake & 1 scoop of peanut chocolate ice-cream from Baskin Robins with 2 days! Shiok!  A bit of shopping, bought my fave denim top & 1 short for husband! Contribution rm200 to the new theme park renovation. ..lol! As for husband...me no idea & didn't ask.

Happy 35th Birthday dearest favourite husband😉

23 September:
SMS from Bel: Happy Anniversary Ivy...I guess Bel is the only one who keep tracks on her friend's Birthday, anniversary & friend's kids birthday etc. Well, TO Bel!
Oh! Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary😀. Wow!!! Many more to come! Mushy Moore words for husband...I Lauhu u! THANK YOU for every possible things that u do for me! WARNING: don't stop loving me OR ELSE! U know I am not threatening u, just reminding u! 😁😁😁 I wish to get forehead or cheeks 😗 wahahaa!

Grand Copthorne Cafe Brio's buffet dinner 1 for 1 for birthday month was a great deal! I enjoy til too full for the 1st time this year. My favourite dishes are...oyster with tabasco sauce, steam cold prawn, fried tempura brinjal,  prawn, green bell pepper, unagi, chestnut chicken with chicken, salmon sashimi, black sesame mochi, ice-cream was my favourite especially the yam favour, curry udon & marshmallow coated with chocolate.
Thank you for taking a stroll after dinner.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I am definitely a dreamer. Every time, everyday without fail, I dreamt of something be it usual or unusual stuffs. Last night, I dreamt that I realise I have to attend my graduation but I forgot to take my regalia from Curtin before the ceremony. Yaya. ..I am having my graduation on 29th September 2014, a few weeks from now. Ah Fong haven give us a definite answer as in whether we can apply for a 1 day leave or half day leave. Everything seems like my motto of life...live day by day without a specific plans. Almost everyday, my classmates will ask the speaker about what are we going to become when we finish this course. ..knock knock...gals...Our fate is sealed...on 1st September 2014. Now what we should do is look ahead & walk straight. ..alternative route is not available currently.

I always loved to tease my cute hubby...I want a kid...He will be like ...har! Hard to cope lei! I already got one baby monkey wifey. Another monkey?! His facial expressions is hilarious! !!Too bad I can't insert line's character. ..If not u will laugh til u roll on the floor. How are we going to cope with the kid...We need a lot of money, no shopping,  time, energy & the most importantly is the logistics problem!!! Well, hubby do not worry so much...not yet! Enjoy your games 1st. If I have a kid...There are a few things or many things I want to do with my kid. During pregnancy, a diary to keep track on the whole experience of becoming a mummy,  create a scape book for my baby with the scan pictures, record my weight, my photos, have a photography session with my baby. Whether baby gal or boy...It doesn't matter, as long as healthy will be the most important. Of course, after giving birth, thank our parents for having us despite the scary, painful process. Everyday, their growing up process I must be involve. Sleep late & wake up early. The crying, the poo & other little things that drive u crazy. I must be prepared that hubby might not be able to take it, I must be prepared to be a married single mummy. I want to bring my kid to many places, do little things together, loves him or her with my whole heart, go swimming , playground, library, art activities, listen to music together, bed time stories, cook some yummiest food etc... I need to be more hardworking & train myself not to be a lazy piglet. Will update if I think of something. Not forgetting to sayang my cute hubby at the same time. I loved to tease my hubby...loved his expressions...

Okay,  everyday I have lotsa information to absorb but it doesn't seems to be able to store them all in my brain. Whenever I want to revise, I fall asleep in less than 10mins. What am I going to do? Byee. ..I am reaching my in house school...another long day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Feeling EMO😣

These few days, I am feeling EMO!!! There is no fixed reasons, a lot of things happening that lead me to this state. Started my CC on 1 September & I am stressed yet relax as in didn't really revise & understand what I have learned during my 1st week. Saturday & Sunday...I was practically dreaming of not so nice things :( for example- dreamt LC so fierce; I guess I am scares of LC's mom or because I am too slack & didn't do housework.
LC say dreamers are insecure soul. I guess he is right. I am insecure person. During day time, I worry about small little things, cares too much how people see & comment about me. How to overcome my this silly troubling & stressful thoughts? I think it's unhealthy over a long period of time.

Had a nice Saturday date with LC,  went TCC to enjoy September 50% treat, it was great, love the soup & lobster salad, the best part is I paid half price!  Shiok!  After that,  greedy us, bought nachos set with additional cheese & potato chips. We watch "Lucy" but I don't understand the movie. Sunday, explore punggol beach...enjoy Thai food but it was not as fantastic as I imagine. Think Toa Payoh Thai food is more nicer & worth the price.

A surprise proposal raised by LC. He said...We may plan for a kid next year end! I was happy to hear that. Man hope to achieve a successful career. Woman hope to hope a kid of her own (it is a career for a woman). LC doesn't seems to favor for a kid but for my sake, he say can consider...Thank you! I want to be a super mom!

Today, me & Anne went to visit a SEN "H" who was diagnosed with a renal Ca. She was a very kind-hearted, motherly & approachable staff who helps me a lot when I was in CTSICU.She always called me "ah Hwa" like what my mom calls me at home. She looks so weak, on Fentanyl 3mls/hr, frail & makes me feel sad. My tears is like at my corner of my eyes, controlled. It reminds me of my dad...Pa...I missed u. Hope u are well & happier now. The day before he deteriorate, he was talking to us. I haven say thank you & sorry to him. I made some cranes for SEN "H" & I pray to god, please do not let her suffer so much & hope she get well soon. I remembered she made the best home made Rojak,  she will ask me to eat.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I am almost late! Set alarm at 5.45am but 5.30am human alarm clock ...🐔 already waking me up. Of cos, I throw tantrum & ask for extention to sleep til 6am. Luckily, I reached classroom 5mins before 8am.

Ytd, Jessica told me I looked more happy in HF, this is the first time someone who doesn't really know me commented this. I was like..... replying her with my disbelief face, questioning myself! She said I looked more stressed in CTSICU! OMG!

HTT is my study partner again! I am happy cos our aim was to pass, no need flying colors!

Venepuncture & cannulation is our topic today, practice & classroom practical test passed! Tml theory & practical exam (out in the real world!!!) If quota not met, I might have to POKE my husband for real to meet my target. Hahaa.....I will be gentle k.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Punky mistress!

At 5.19am...
Husband: Daddy wanna say sorry for advising u to go to HF place. Did not know u will be so unhappy there

After I board bus, I started to reply...
Wifey: I know u wanted me to grab the office hrs for my health. No need to be sorry, ultimately it's my decision. I just can't cope that well. Didn't know the real working world is really very ugly. I am worried I'll not be able to protect myself in a politically correct way & end up I become another ugly politic person. I only need extra extra extra time to adjust myself to the new environment. U might need to hear a lot from my grumpy channel & greedy eating habits & behaving like a kid. U might need to be extra X100 or X1000 times more patient towards me cos I can only be my true self infront of U. The outside world has alot of arrows, bad people who has hidden agenda or people view me as a threat (that person is cravy la!) HF specialty, in the beginning I already have some interest some time ago but in view of my name tag title, Myself & other people might have higher expectations about me. Another thing is I feel lonely cos I am no longer in my comfort zone & enemies might increased if I have accidently stepped their foot. I am thankfully to be healthy so far, mom is well, husband loves me, able to eat yummiest food, I still others friends. Don't worry, currently, I do not need any PSY help. I have been through some toughest time, I may not be the strongest gal but I am not the weakest link.

I sounded sad everyday...

I shall think of some activities I want to do & husband to fulfil when he is free, cos it's my favourite month...September.

1. Check availability, change HK trip dates, ask me 1st cos O need to ask Examiner
2. Shopping 2hrs for 3sessions at Orchard, Bugis & Tampines
3. Food hunting... Sushi, waffles with ice-creams, Roti prata, hawker food, cake.
4. Explore a new cafe in Singapore
5. Cycling at ECP or Sentosa
6. Go Curtin on 27.9.14 to collect important stuffs
7. Watch movie i.e. Lucy
8. Jio or borrow OZ & we take phptos & help me book the photograply session. (Groupon expires on 10.10.14)
9. Help me change bedsheet
10. Assist me to cook a meal
11. A super last minute task coupon that allows me to use anytime if husband is free
12. Be less sad, be a little more happy

Husband.....Is it too many request or too little that I can add on .....we do not need to clear everything within 1months, we can repeat the activites again :p

Try to do it with me!

Day 2

Description of my current situation. It feels like I am "training bus driver" placed in a expressway, with 8 other training bus drivers who are better physically, academically, sociable than me, examiners on board to give us instructions & assessing us occassionally. I could only step on the engine & drive on. I am not sure where I am heading, where is the destination, after how long I am reached a petrol station, will there be any mini mart to cheer me up, buy a magnan ice-cream, snacks or magazine etc. I am lost! I was not invited to go for my friends party cos I am no longer within their visible range, I have drifted far away. I missed my favourite activity...BBQ! We are no longer connected cos I didn't maintain constant update, didn't pay subscription, auto roaming is not applied or contracts ends. I can't people for forgetting me gradually over time. Today, I learned that alot of my knowledge have returned to my teacher or thrown somewhere over time, it is good to learn again. Even though, I doesn't understand everything but I took notes & coming back to read again. I paid attention to all the possible tips on what might be tested! Repeatly the examiners reassured us that we will learn the advanced knowledge & the exam is very easy! But they forget to anticipate that a silly monkey is in the bus. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Battle begins!

Dear Fans, 

Tuned in to my blog to learn how is my progress in my latest battle field, types of armour that I am wearing for different battle field & if I can survive through these 2months theory, 2months practical & 8months on the job training. Of course, not forgetting my 1year training, 1 year bond & 1 year degree bond, I am proudly to say I will be the "Heartly Lao Bee C" not my fave Tea-C or Kopi-C okay! By September year 2017, I will be a free monkey, free from damn bond! 

Yes, forget about the sure bond jail! Let's all focus on my 1st day on the outfield. My highest Mdm came to speak to us & a familiar face had an emergency landing in our class to make it 9 in total! I know very bery well that there is no escape for Nemo me, I would need to find ways to protect myself, making sure I am alive til the course ends! Nah!!! According a "realiable source", it is a easy course that will benefits us in future. The speaker is a super brainy, political clever & trained resourceful person, I was impressed! Please walk carefully & don't step on any fiery hairy tail or else ask for good luck & blessing. I am very hopefully to work my new sisters & brother even if they misunderstood my intentions. 

Today's topic to my is like my facourite "Mee mok" dry. I have no interest in doing research! OMG! my eyelid is overdose with tiredness & stress. Hello "zhou gong"! Good night Lao zhar bo tan!