Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015

31.12.2015 is ending in less than 10mins prior my post. Goodbye 2015. I have not reflected myself,  the good(s), the bad(s) that happened to me in 2015. Update this post later.....Thank you, my dear hubby, dearest mom, friends & enemies.

Sending 2015 off soon..... AND
Welcoming 2016 in less than 8mins while I was typing my post in Punggol. What to expect in 2016? Hmm... update later bah!

My blog post for 2015..... bye bye...

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Bel sms today saying that she is going crazy because she is with her 2 boys 24/7 since she is on leave & they have no school. Her kids or maybe all kids are full of energy, even running at the playground for 2hrs, they r still not tired when their parents are half-dead! My reply to her was enjoy bonding with the kids while she can cos in future, they wouldn't want to play with their parents. I can easily say this to her cos I do not have a chance to "enjoy" what she is going through. I told her LC is blessed to be alone 24/7 at home. Without a kid or me disturbing him, he is a blessed guy.

My conclusions are as follows:-
1. Having a kid is never easy
2. Not everyone is entitle to a kid
3. Dad & Mom is important to have a kid
4. Willing to sacrifice
5. Understand that u may not have time for ur own stuffs
6. Money is a must have
7. Time is what u needed the most
8. Treasure the bonding before they grow up

What else to add? Nah! Don't bother cos .....

Benefits of no kids are as follows:-
1. No arguments
2. No responsibilities
3. No obligations
4. No headache/ heartache
5. No worries
6. No additional financial situation

What else to add? Nah! Why bother?!

Cons of no kids are as follows:-
1. Three gu six po kpo enquires
2. Curious kpo likes to pop that Qn when they r bored.
3. Concerned ppl worries about me
4. No chance to experience as a Mom. Well, that easy to solve, get a dog & I am a mom. The only thing is the dog can't call me Mom in English or Mandarin. That's not a problem too cos I have 2 godson who calls me Godma, so still someone call me "God-Ma" temporary cos they still young.

Nevertheless, we r human beings for sure cos we r never contented. When we have it, we complain for having it. And when we don't have it, we complain for not having it.

For my loyalty blog reader, it's just a random thought & blog. Please do not take it seriously.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

What if?

What if time is running out for me?

Watched "Ip Man" show with hubby ytd night. I love the movie especially Ip Man & his wife love story, even thought eventually she died of cancer.

Person views of Ip man & points learned. Ip man is a responsible man who loves his family & kung-fu. His wife is supporting towards him & stand by him no matter what happens. When Ip man is focus with a task, he overlooked his wife until his wife slapped him & told him that something bad happens to her. The Dr diagnosed her to have late stage stomach cancer & the cancer cells is spreading fast. Her lifespan is only 6 months after confirming the diagnosis. It's so devastating for him & his wife. He spend the rest of the 6 months with his wife, accompany her for check-up & seek alternative medicine. He made effort to learn dancing cos his wife loved dancing because previously he did not turn up at the dancing class as he need to keep the school safe from ruffians. His wife is upset then. As his wife health condition deteriorates, he endured & pull himself together. He even forgo his chance to prove his kung-fu is authentic. However, his wife knows Ip man's passion towards kung-fu & then she secretly helped him to set up the challenge against the person who challenged him. He won. She requested him to take ๐Ÿ“ท photos with her to keep the memories. So sweet.

What if time is running out for me, what do I want to do? Probably something similar to Ip man's wife, spend the last 6 months of time with my hubby & mom. Take photos ๐Ÿ“ท. Arrange my funeral matters so that everything is take care of. I do not wish to have too many visitors because I will be too tired to speak to so many people & let them c my pathetic looks. Oh, not forgetting to accomplish my wishes before I mati.

One fine day, everyone of us would have to leave this world. Be forgiving whenever we can, do not harm others if possible & loved who we are.

Hohoho... Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„

When Christmas comes, it mean new year is approaching

Year 2015 is ending soon & let's welcome 2016.

Time is running out for me. Why? Many things can't be done when u r getting old. Oh well, I believe it's all predestined. Be contented with what u have NOW & treasure it while u have time.

How did I spent my Christmas Eve, day & post?

24th December 2015- No official announcement until we ate FOC pizza, yes! Half day work & then I went back. Picked up by LC to meet MD & Amilyn for Haidilao steamboat dinner. I was a bit worried if I will like it but surprisingly I love it. Thank you, Amilyn for introducing "tomato ๐Ÿ… soup base" & thank you hubby for choosing all time favorite "Chicken ๐Ÿ— soup base". I enjoyed myself even though I was not able to participate in the conversation actively because I am a boring person. Thank you, hubby for trying to bring me to meet ur friends for dinner. Thank you, MD & Amilyn for allowing & accepting me to join u all for dinner. They even invited us to visit their sweet staycation room at Park Hotel. It's nice & cosy. They even got a Sponsored parking coupon for us.

Home sweet home ๐Ÿก  & it's pressies time!
I got a IPad mini 4 from hubby- superb cos my previous iPad is so heavy! Hehehe. .. I am loving it!

Not forgetting to mention all other Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ pressies given by my friends & colleagues. Just in case my memories storage fails, I shall list them down. Numbering at random..

1. Pigsy- Craftholic soft toy & VS spray
2. Anne- Limited edition perfume & water bottle
3. Bel- Groupon & Mac Long Eyewear
4. Marilyn- My fave Gardener handcream
5. May Ling- Chocolate
6. Sister Teo- Cookies
7. MD & Amilyn- cookies
8. Aidila- cupcake
9. Ting- precious moment A4 file
10. Venassa- "I" figurine
11. Koh- handcream
12. Alice- pouch
13. Aileen- a dress ๐Ÿ‘—
14. RZ- water bottle
15. Trip Buddies gift exchange- pending

Dear all, thank you for brightening me up with so many gifts. I loved them all!

Every year I tell myself I must prepare the gifts early but I never do it. Try again next year!

25 December 2015- Staycation in Marriott Hotel with hubby! Soo nice, quality time spent! Nice brunch with MD & Amilyn at Far East Plaza Chicken rice & dessert at Scott's. Super full but super happy. Booked "Ip Man's" movie at 9.40pm. Shopping at my favorite supermarket & food stuffs grabbed. Loved Jordan's corn bread & it's so delicious when eat with apple ham & double cheese! Not forgetting the nice makan from 7-8.30pm at Marriot L2. After movie, we have a short walk at orchard. Loved the fact, so late out together! Watched a silliest movie in hotel before we fall asleep.

26 December 2015- my worse nightmare early in the morning: hubby iPhone 6s CMI. Mr Blackie Lim appeared without notice. Hahaha. .. luckily managed to onz it back. Yup... staycation ended faster than I expected. And I am back to Isetan's supermarket to spend $. I was sent back to BKP. Feeling sick & I sleep sleep. Slightly better after 1 dose of panadol & sleep.

Sianz. .. super old TV ๐Ÿ“บ spilt permanently. Going to burn my pocket money ๐Ÿ’ต again...

Good night dear all... I am going to sleep. What else did I missed out in my blog for today?

Friday, December 11, 2015

What happens to my family?

Lately, my favourite Korean drama is "What happens to my family".
It's a warm comedy cum family Korean drama that make me laugh & cry at the same time. The actors did really well in acting their roles! Thumbs up! "Hyojin" who is a innocent aka brainless simple gal who has no talents at all but she can drive u nuts. I feel I am like her, the only difference is I am not a rich family daughter. Lol... ๐Ÿ˜‚ I loved this drama, I am coming home everyday to watch it! I wish it has a happy ending. It is because the Dad in the drama files a lawsuit against his 3 children in order to spend his limited quality time with them. He has advanced stage stomach cancer but he doesn't want to let his 3 children know. His terms & conditions to dropped this lawsuit is that his 3 children will need to fulfill the requests that he raised. And he planned a schedule on what he want to do during his last 3-6 months of life with his children & family. It includes having dinner with his 3 children on every Saturday. His eldest son & daughter-in-law need to move back to his place. His daughter will need to go for match-made sessions & get married. His youngest son need to get a proper job & give him allowance every month. Eventually,  his 3 children found out the truth & it's very heartbreaking for him & his children. When someone ask his youngest son- what is/are your Dad's hobbies or likes? He can't answer. I also do not know what is my late Dad's hobbies or like also. Beside knowing his like to gamble, I know nuts about his other hobbies or likes. If people were to ask me what's your husband's hobbies or likes? I can only say, it will be playing computer games, staying at home, play soccer and work. Beside all this, my reply would be I don't know.

I concluded this drama's moral of the story is simple- treasure what you have, spend time with them whenever you can; no matter how short. It's the quality & not quantity. Say what you want to say before your time runs out, but please say more nice than harsh things. Family ๐Ÿ‘ช ties is very important but often ignore or no time to maintain it due to other commitments such as work. Not everyone can maintain or have good family relationship. I hope to have a normal family ๐Ÿ‘ช, living together, loving each other & be healthy.

I LOVE you Mom, no matter how naughty u are & disturb me when I sleep lime a PIG ๐Ÿท.  I love you Husband,  no matter how busy you are & "hates" me for disturbing you!

Well, I need to sleep. Wish me sweet dreams!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Recording my memories!

My post title is recording my memories! Well, everytime I post on my blog is actually recording my memories already. Why I want to record my memories? It is because I am a super forgetful person, I can only rely on the post to help me remember the good and of course the bad too!

Before I sleep, I log on to FB and was shock and sad to see the post of others whom say that a reputable NC T.A.C. has left us to a better place without sufferings. She taught us when I was attending a 1 yr course and while I work as a RN. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and doing your very best as a NURSE. RIP NC T.A.C. All of us will have to leave this world one day, the only difference is how, when and where.

Philosophy of Bee ๐Ÿ : Life is short, fragile and unpredictable. Enjoy while I am allowed, I shall eat, shop, sleep, buy whatever/ whenever I crave, "bully, torture & loved" my LC and Mom before my game is OVER and there is no reset button. Be forgiving whenever possible, be evil for that moment and forgive them if I can because I do not have so much time hating or plot for revenge. I cannot promise I sure can but I promise I try.

Not forgetting to record my wonderful 6D5N HK cum Macau trip on 30Nov- 5Dec 2015.
P.S.- will need my trusty LC to help me to recover my memories.

30 Nov- Check in Hyatt Regency, loved the room & not forgetting the lounge; loved the food & the view. Set off to East TST to purchase more NICI friends, 6 key chains, 1 new winter friend & a FOC seal. Went to "Ladies market" then followed by Sneakers street and I bought my 1st pair of Nike track shoe; loving it cos it's comfy.

1Dec- went to "Wang Da Xian" to pray early in the morning. Followed by Dim Sum brunch at the mall nearby. Bought my 2nd pair of Nike shoe. Langham place- we had yummiest favourite dessert; durian with glutinous rice and mango sago bean curb.

2Dec- went to IT market to look for "privacy protect screen", too expensive so give up. But managed to change my screen saver & get a pinky cover. Then we proceed to look for the famous "่ฝฆไป”้ข" at causeway bay, it was yummiest.

3 Dec- went to Macdonald to grab the Snoopy cushion set for Aileen as her Xmas gift, hope she likes it as much as I do! Grab Jenny cookies X5 boxes, a must when u go HK! Exchange another SGD$200 for HKD cos almost bankrupt.

4 Dec- Hello Macau via 1 hour ferry. Luckily, I did not have any N/V symptoms. Check in to Holiday Inn, dinner after LC break from me. Lord Stow famous egg tarts was good when it's warm!

5 Dec- Hello old Macau and Hi to our favourite makan place. We ordered duck blood/pig skin/veg soup, wanton mee, 3 mixed aka black pepper goose/roast pork/ char siew noodle. Some shopping & free tasting.

6 Dec- Dim Sum brunch^-^ recommended to repeat order are peanut butter toast bread, fried Wanton, siew Mai & yummiest Milk Tea BUT never order the Macau Pork bun & CCF porky- OMG. Maggie mee was okay Nia. Some final shopping & off we go to airport via ferry. Check in, some tibits shopping & SQ lounge for a dinner break. Home sweet home.

๐Ÿ˜ฃgot eye infection to end the trip.

7 Dec- LC sent me to see Dr Lim & have lunch with my Mom. Went to BKP with Mom for some bonding time. Cook fried rice for dinner.

Thank you very very much my dearest one and only LC who plan this trip & sponsored my flight, hotel stay, food & some purchases. I wish we have more of this quality time spend together.

8 Dec- in 7 mins time to 12 MN. Hi work, I got to work for my next trip & I am quite broke. However, I have to go out tml with AIA group for dinner to celebrate Amanda's BD! Looking forward to PAY day!

Gotta go cos I need to sleep!