Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Time not enough

Time is never for me to use. I need to go school for classes, work, most importantly beauty sleep which is never enough or never good enough. I don't say I feel recharged today. I don't have extra time for shopping, bring my dad for a walk or bring my mom to BKP to shop. I need more time! I've 3assignments to rush & practice my HA assessment!!!

My husband has stayed in Korea for almost 2weeks for business, not leisure!
I'm looking forward to my presents!!!
Looking forward to go Deeto with Husband!
Things to do, eat... fave Ah Chang Porridge, Pepperoni Pizza, Udon, Sushi, Desserts & many more!

Last wk, I was planning to get 2new tailor shirt for my husband for Xmas present so...I went to Men's Tradition an hour before my class starts BUT!!! They say they need d number before d shirt to check his measurements then I can order!!! Super pissed with that shop assistant Man unhelpful reply.Super stupid!! Don't let u earn my money. Buy other things!

I was super happy that I get 13/15 in my 2nd E-test! Total: 20/30! Aiming to get 20/35 for individual assignment & 25/35 for group assignment! Grand total: 65/100!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ending; back to reality soon!

OMG! Yup, it's Sunday already! My leave has come an end today! Will it have a fairy tale ending?

6/12/13 D5
It's my sleeping day! Too lazy to do anything so I stayed at home. But went to Causeway point to get delicious food for All of us! Suppose to do something but I did not do it!

7/12/13 D6
Bring Dad to see Dr Lim.
Watch movie: Frozen with Ter's family at my FAVE VIVO!
Quick lunch & super full Dinner with Ter's family!
Ice-cream with Ter's family!
Received a early Xmas gift from Ter's family! Super Like!
Saw something that I like too but did not buy! Not within my needs budget, it's just a want!

Recently just finished this Korean Drama: Flower Boy Next Door on PPS! Super like Park Shin Hye n Lee Jung! I like Park Shin Hye star star shawl! Nice, thumbs up!

8/12/13 D7
Plan: Mum's turn to see Dr Lim.
Waffle with ice-cream meal :)
Home sweet home to pack bag for husband!
Print my ICP notes!

Future plans
10-13/12/13-School at 6.30-9.3m
12 & 13/12/13- Speed study for next E-Test, need to get 10/15.
14&15/12/13- Either day to start assignment

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Half gone!

Well, it's already Thursday & half of my leave is gone! Treasure it before Sunday comes!

3/12/13 D2
SO in LOVE with ALL my presentS from HK! My husband really spent alot of money on me during this HK trip! Thanks :) Feel abit guilty towards husband cos I keep throw tanthrum that I can't go with him to HK! 

4/12/13 D3
Plans suppose to be: Lunch-> cycle at ECP-> buy new wheelchair-> O$P$ -> dinner
Due to unpredictable weather forecast, we change our plan slightly. We went to get a bicycle for JH as a bday present. I spent about almost an hour to finalise the color, model etc! I was worried about whether JH will like d color anot? Can he ride anot? Will WF see d uneven paint spray anot! Wa Phiang! After that we went Lunch at old airport road hawker centre to eat Hokkien Mee$5+ Kueh Chay $8.50+ Rojak $3+ lao bao almond beancurd+ 100plus drink! Very full! I'm supposed to eat 60% full cos I'm suppose to be on diet But nvm lah...Nx month then diet lor(special quote from husband!) Wahahaaa... Then we went to Ubi Rainbow to buy a "red" colored Wheelchair for dad...Here comes my problem again...will he like the color? Hence, husband send me home to show him the W/C. Luckily he don't mind the color! What a relief :) Special wish request granted by dinner for my parents at BKP! So happy!

5/12/14 D4
School 9-11am.
Husband comes to pick me up for lunch at Boon Tong Kee Chicken rice then send me to Sembawang. Thanks for picking up d bicycle for me. Heheee.....

Going to miss my husband for 2weeks cos he is going Korea for Work!

Remember to bring me to Deeto when u come back from Work! :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Last slots of leave 2-8Dec'13

Day 1-2/12/13
:( Has already passed! I tried to study my ICP test! Went to school at 2pm, a rainy afternoon to do my E-test 1 alone. Well, others do in a group, I'm a loner! All by myselft & I got 7/15% ; which means I've failed my 1st E-Test. E-Test 2 on 16/12/13, what stategies should I have? Can't bring my Hubby because he is in Korea lah! Wa Phiang...I aim to score 10/15%! Must study even harder!

:) The happy thing is that my Husband is back in Singapore with HK gifts waiting for me! Can't wait to see my presents! Husband say, " chey. I buy many presents for u. Half of my money i have is on your presents!" Wahaha...I like that! I missed HK! Last yr we went in December, like the cold weather, the yummiest street food & the best part is Xmas present Quest! Hahahaa...I bought him 2under-sized inner wear! So furni!

:/ My colleague; Izzi...1st gal to CTSICU this year, starts her D1 office hours (for 2weeks). Her preceptor is Mya. I wonder who is mine? Will my preceptor vomit blood? Will he/she like me? She said most people are warm. Hehe there kept asking me about you(me) too. They eager to see you(me). Wa Phiangz! I'm being delayed because....its because hidayatul insist going end January.. Whatever lah! I want the MONEY!

Day 2- 3/12/13
Plan: BBQ lunch with Bel, Anne, KIV KOH, XXL & kids! Buy Hao a birthday present. Repair my dad's wheelchair.

Day 3- 4/12/13
Plan: Dating. I want to eat delicious waffle with Ice-cream.

Day 4- 5/12/13
Plan: School. Attend Hao Birthday party in his school!

I'm a busy Bee :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello December!

September & December is my favourite month every year! 2013 is ending in 30days...OMG! I shall conclude my UPS & downs on the last day of December! I always request one leave slot in December because it's my favourite month. This year, I'm struck in Singapore is because I'm doing my Degree in Nursing :( It's going to end in June 2014! I've plans in September 2014- holiday plan :)

On my leave this year,
 D1- E-test
 D2- BBQ lunch feast with colleagues
 D3- Deeto with Husband
 D4- Class & Attend Godson school celebration
 D5- Bring mom to see Dr in Polyclinic
 D6- Dental appointment
 D7- Help husband to pack for Business trip

Packed schedule in Annual Leave 2-8/12/2013.

Need to start my 3assignments soon then ask my 2English teacher to check through! Target: Passed with a SMILE :)

My Missy career is going to be different in 2014, going to be posted to another area! I asked for it! My NC say, I "itchy backside"! My Acting ADN say, " it's a good learning opportunity!" My SNM say, " learn the correct things, don't learn the bad things!" After my SNM announced the job rotation schedule on the Nov ward meeting, my colleagues asked me why I'm going to another department?

After I've finished my Degree, I will start my 1year bond - start: June 2014 to end: June 2015! Then I can transfer to another department: either CVR or Clinic. I'm already 35! Wa Phiang!