Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Another day that I nid to rush home to take care of my old folks! I'm not complaining...ok...ya...I'm complaining cos I've to let my Chubby Hubby stays home alone again. Well, I guess I don't hv much choices cos I'm their only daughter & their only son is "MIA" for 2days! I loved this song "Lucky" by Jason Mraz cos I feel I'm lucky that d "higher authority up above me who send me to "Earth" to get my deserved "punishment" or rather I should say "a test" that I've to pass before I go back to my original "role"! Lol! I say I'm Lucky cos I'm married to this man who is willing to hold back his temper, caring for me as much as he can, trying his best to fulfill my many wishes, sending back home at late hour when he is still doing his stressful wk & of cos buying me gifts, monkeys & lotsa food etc. I must thank d higher authority up above for giving me such a adorable Chubby Hübby to help me through my difficult times. I don't know how long he can endure all this for me, I only pray that it will last as long as possible. I feel I should do as much as I can for my old folks cos I don't want to live my rest of my life feeling guilty, misery, blaming myself for not doing anything etc... Dear Chubby Hübby, who may read this silly blog :) THANKS SO MUCH! 😘😘😘 I didn't do anything great for u so far...But... 1. Try my best to listen to u. 2. Cook nice food with Happy Call pan 3. Try not to kick u.

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