Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Embark on a new Journey!

This year, we decided to embark on a new Journey!

We planned to SELL & BUY house for d second time! It feels slightly different from d first time cos tis time we r making d decision tegether. In 2006, I'm only in charge of signing d agreement. Agent Peter, Garrison & cute Andrew is helping us out & at d same time trying to earn our MONEY!! LOL ^-^

We have to help out to clear our current house in preparation for d evaluation company to "mark" & "V" our house. Only a few couples viewed our house & a couple has decided to buy our house in less than a month since our house open for selling. Abit sad though, BYE BYE...

At d same time, our agents started to arrange houses for us to view as accoding to our request. Although it's our second time to purchase but it's our first time to "chose" d house. It's a gd experience cos I get to see other people's house & get involved in buying house. Our agents knows what Hubby is asking & looking for as times goes by & they prepared a "Viewing" schedule with remarks...nearest LRT...It's quite useful cos we decided to get 1 of d unit that we saw on 070412. Overall, I think d unit is quite nice BUT unfortunately they only hv 2 rooms hence, we need to spend abit for RENO. We went for 2nd viewing together wif d contractor d next day. Of course, eventually we have bought d house ALREADY!!! SO SCARY!!!

I'm abit worried! I hope we can have d final say on what we want & don't want items to move to d new house.

Items that is forbidden to go due to MONKEY personal reasons.

1. Painted BIG fridge
2. Painted BIG washing machine
3. Displayed cabinet
4. Cooking WOK
6. Dining Table
7. Water dispenser

Hehee...it's only my own thinking BUT.....we see how la!

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