Wednesday, October 5, 2016

5th October 2016

Welcome to 5th October 2016. To me, it's the just the beginning of the worst day of the month. I felt like my back is being stab by my brother aka creditor from my previous life. My helper sms-ed to inform me that my brother is back in the morning. I pretended I don't know & call back home to verify. True enough, he is really back to Singapore. Mom asked him to speak to me over the phone, he hesitated for 30seconds before answering the phone. I told him, go and speak to Uncle 3 to discuss how to settle his shit then to call me. I did not receive his call, actually he did call me with his new contact no but I didn't want to answer any unfamiliar phone number.

When I came back after work, missed my Pilates last class because I am afraid he will run away again before I could speak to him. When I reached home, he is locked in his Harry Potter room that has magic on him. After my dinner, I knock his door twice but nil response. I called uncle 3 house & auntie 3 answered the call. She told me about brother debts amount & his intention to sell away this house. I am then how, knocked on his door like a bull to make he heard me. He then open his door, I told him, you go and call uncle 3 go downstairs talk. He doesn't give me the impression that he wants to repent! KNN, am I the one who is owning those Brainless creditors? Come on la, wake up your ideas la! !!

We meet at level 1 to talk things out. I asked him the exact amount, his reply was SGD 17K not rupiah okay. Uncle 3 asked, do u have 17K I felt angry, why should I pay 17K on his behalf? Sell the house then? So after  the house, where do your mom stays? Ur uncle 3 house, they very clever say mom cannot get along with uncle 3. See.. see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, they already know my mom is not a easy person to take care! Try 1 month & you will understand how helper and myself is going through. Auntie 3 asked me, "Do you have 17K?" I told straight to her face, even if I have why should I take out? Monopoly 17K, you want? I told her, I have my own house, stuffs to pay, maid expenses etc. Don't come and bull shit with me say u understand what I am going through( the hardship). Son is precious and daughter is waste money raising them? Luckily, I was borned as a girl so they didn't want to adopt me. You all only want a SON!!! So pathetic me! I can see she is not happy to see me say I don't have 17K. I am not the one who did this, hello, wake up your idea. If you all want to force me to the max, I rather go die! If one day, I can't think straight and commit suicide, u all no need to feel bad cos I don't want to live like this anymore. Still want face? Shhhh... don't say so loud, I am super pissed off, talk softly? You think ppl doesn't know? Please la, our flat in the whole estate is "famous for the wrong stuffs". Now, I helped him to pay 17K then more 17K to come? If I have 17K, I want to do things for myself not for him.

He listed all the creditors, underground loan and bank loan = 17K

The best thing is that short-lived, bloody hell ASSHOLE without brains, wish him be punished severely by LAW and nature. When die, HELL is reserved for u to serve your sentence and sins. U think u helping ppl? J-ASSHOLE stage everything to cheat my brain Brother. Loan $A amount, help u settle B loan then buy 2 way tickets to CHINA to work. Total cost -$2500.

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