Sunday, October 23, 2016

Belated Birthday 🎂 2016

Meet Mummy B, Kiddos C & D, my Lao BB Lim for dinner at Thomson Plaza on 23.10.16 at 5.30pm. The Peach Garden restaurant open at 6pm!!! Wahahah.... we had Peking duck, Yee Mee Duck noodle, silver fish, Kai Lan & Chysanthmun tea. Mummy B bought a Mango cake from four leave for me... the restaurant floor manager placed 4 bigs & 5 small candles on the cake & I was like 😂 I am not 45 y.o., I took out 1 big candle & then I am only 35 y.o.!!! Lol!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Happy moments in October 2016!

Hubby asked me, why u always only blog sad & unhappy stuffs? Ask u to blog ur travel-log to remember the places we go but I never did it & then now everything forget when he asked me. Sometimes I even confused with the places I go. For example, HK vs Taipei, which place has temple. 

15.10.16 Hubby decided to spend a 1K for our next hobby. .. cycling! Great, I get to chose the bicycle that I like with accessories. My new friend theme is black & white body, add on Pink water bottle holder & black/pink flash light for front & back. I was initially eyeing a 1 gear bicycle with 16inch wheels... hehe... 

Hubby... we forget to take welfie with our new friends... Just do it the next time our friends meet okay. Néed to make memories. Let's go take pics... like that time the Lumiere photography session... aiyo... I so many ideas, are you going crazy with my crazy ideas? Haha 😂 

Let's plan, at least once a week cycling session at punggol park, eat dinner then go home. Let's start humbly, do less strenuous & stressful course then upgrade ourselves gradually. ECP every quarterly so that we can eat wanton mee after the session
 We need to prepare unwanted clothes for cleaning purposes, need to get a big spreading on standby so as not to dirty our car seats. Let's plan when to upgrade our seats, more accessories & servicing. Hopefully we can do cycling til 60yrs old. 

Thank you for getting this best gift for me. I wanted to buy u one. Hehe. .. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

5th October 2016

Welcome to 5th October 2016. To me, it's the just the beginning of the worst day of the month. I felt like my back is being stab by my brother aka creditor from my previous life. My helper sms-ed to inform me that my brother is back in the morning. I pretended I don't know & call back home to verify. True enough, he is really back to Singapore. Mom asked him to speak to me over the phone, he hesitated for 30seconds before answering the phone. I told him, go and speak to Uncle 3 to discuss how to settle his shit then to call me. I did not receive his call, actually he did call me with his new contact no but I didn't want to answer any unfamiliar phone number.

When I came back after work, missed my Pilates last class because I am afraid he will run away again before I could speak to him. When I reached home, he is locked in his Harry Potter room that has magic on him. After my dinner, I knock his door twice but nil response. I called uncle 3 house & auntie 3 answered the call. She told me about brother debts amount & his intention to sell away this house. I am then how, knocked on his door like a bull to make he heard me. He then open his door, I told him, you go and call uncle 3 go downstairs talk. He doesn't give me the impression that he wants to repent! KNN, am I the one who is owning those Brainless creditors? Come on la, wake up your ideas la! !!

We meet at level 1 to talk things out. I asked him the exact amount, his reply was SGD 17K not rupiah okay. Uncle 3 asked, do u have 17K I felt angry, why should I pay 17K on his behalf? Sell the house then? So after  the house, where do your mom stays? Ur uncle 3 house, they very clever say mom cannot get along with uncle 3. See.. see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, they already know my mom is not a easy person to take care! Try 1 month & you will understand how helper and myself is going through. Auntie 3 asked me, "Do you have 17K?" I told straight to her face, even if I have why should I take out? Monopoly 17K, you want? I told her, I have my own house, stuffs to pay, maid expenses etc. Don't come and bull shit with me say u understand what I am going through( the hardship). Son is precious and daughter is waste money raising them? Luckily, I was borned as a girl so they didn't want to adopt me. You all only want a SON!!! So pathetic me! I can see she is not happy to see me say I don't have 17K. I am not the one who did this, hello, wake up your idea. If you all want to force me to the max, I rather go die! If one day, I can't think straight and commit suicide, u all no need to feel bad cos I don't want to live like this anymore. Still want face? Shhhh... don't say so loud, I am super pissed off, talk softly? You think ppl doesn't know? Please la, our flat in the whole estate is "famous for the wrong stuffs". Now, I helped him to pay 17K then more 17K to come? If I have 17K, I want to do things for myself not for him.

He listed all the creditors, underground loan and bank loan = 17K

The best thing is that short-lived, bloody hell ASSHOLE without brains, wish him be punished severely by LAW and nature. When die, HELL is reserved for u to serve your sentence and sins. U think u helping ppl? J-ASSHOLE stage everything to cheat my brain Brother. Loan $A amount, help u settle B loan then buy 2 way tickets to CHINA to work. Total cost -$2500.


如果命运是如此, 那就这样吧!! 认命吧!!

Do u believe in predestined fate?

I believe whatever u r given or have is prestinated already! For example, u can't chose who to be ur parents/siblings/relatives but u can chose ur spouse, friends & animal(s) of ur choice but also pending if both of u have fate to be together.

I am going to be a heartless Sister from today onwards to see if the situations gets better or it will make things worse.

Finally, my clueless, heartless & "Siao tin tong aka half-boiled egg brother" send me 2 sms on who are the creditors & amount to pay. Subsequently, he call my HP and the screen reflected call made from China. BUT recntly he told me that he is in HK! WTF/WTH... what does this means? It means he is lying all along. Is it because he doesnt know the difference between China & HK. When I asked him when he is coming back home; he avoided the question by changing subjects.

U ruined ur own life & r u trying to ruin ours as well? U didn't give birth to me, u have no right to take my life like this. Now I wish I am a Tekwando black belt monkey to kick his ass & protect myself again the bad.

When I was playing my current favourite on iPad,  it makes me feel - 1. One wrong step can cause u misery or game over in the game. We r not in others shoes when things happen, so we can't comment.

Sleepy liao... bb

Sunday, October 2, 2016

My 2nd last AL slot in September 2016

26 September- 2nd October 2016

My 2nd last slot in September 2016, oh well... r u interested to know how I spent it? Haha 😂. .. I am sure nobody bothers, I only want to blog it to remember it.

26-9-16 - D1
Stayed home in the morning, Sandar went to BKP NTUC to do some groceries shopping. After lunch, Sandar went to Pennisula Plaza to send $. I went to NHCS to collect ZOO PASS for 26-28.9.16. Then rush to BBDC for FTT practice at 4plus followed by practical Practice at 5.10-6.50pm. Clever me went to Causeway point to get a fan for Sandar but the knob does not match!!! Arggrr... so angry, wanted to save $ by taking bus home. Did not save $ cos I bought McSpicy meal & I didn't finish all. Waste $.

27.9.16 - D2

 BBDC FTT Practice at 8.25am, followed by Practical Practice at 9.20-11am. Came back for lunch. Waited for NTUC delivery 10am-2pm, it came at 1pm. Set off to Singapore Zoo at 1.30pm, we stayed there till 5pm & packed KFC for mom & Sandar for dinner. Took cab home, showered then set off to Suntec Pasarbella for BD dinner with buddies & dessert at Cedele. A surprise news, WATI is getting married in December 2016!!!

28.9.16 - D3
I am officially 36y.o. today!!! Hubby pick me up at about 11am with Daisy 🌼 🌼 🌼 flower, we went to Cathy for "Maki-san" lunch, followed by Cathoholic Cafe. Bought another friend - Grey2 & a cup,  OMG!!! I am not supposed to get another friend cos no space!!! Watched a movie - Magnificent 7 then home sweet home.

29.9.16 - D4
Hubby got a important morning date so I waited at home. We went to Old Airport Road hawker Centre as per my request to eat kuek Chay, rojak & hokkien mee. Then we pick Mom & Sandar, went to causeway point to service the fan followed by NUH Ortho appointment. Decision made to delay op for now. Hubby send us back home & he needed times out. Asked Sandar to buy dinner. Went to BBDC to do my 6th Practical practice at 7.20-9pm, siao me... took Grabcar to BBDC at $8.

30.9.16 - D5
Last day of AL!!! Went for facial at TPY at 2-4plus. Went to Bugis to pray then meet Pris for dinner at TCC @ 50% discount- ate my favourite baby crayfish salad, seafood aglio olio pasta, mushroom soup & lemon ginger tea.

1.10.16 -DO
Went to Bugis to pray in the morning. Hubby pick me up at 11am to head to Grand Hyatt for staycation 2D1N. Had "Rabbit 🐰 restaurant" lunch. Nua-ing in the upgrade room is shiok then we went to the swimming pool to exercise abit. Our dinner is at a quite place at level 21.

2.10.16 -DO
Okay, for real ... I need to work on 3.10.16 le!!! I am going crazy, in denial state/stage & panic mode is activated! Lunch at Far East Plaza Chicken rice.

Thank you Hubby for taking AL on 28 & 29.9.16 to keep me company.

Already 1 month since the day Brother ran away from home. The frequency of brother's call is lesser, I only hope for the best outcome & I hope to be at peace! Have been feeling lost, frustrated, scared & fear for the past 1 month. Now, all I could do is to find inner peace, seek help from hubby whenever needed. What will happen in future, nobody can predict so I will try to take one step at all time to prevent myself being doing silly things.