Monday, April 28, 2014

Clone me!!

I wish I could have a clone me! She will stay at home to take care of my parents while I am at work or overseas or whenever I am not at home. Today Lawrence aka senior counsellor came to our house to asess my family situation, plan advanced care for dad & render necessary assistance. He will need to assess our financial status through means test & then apply funds to help us. Even though it's our 1st meeting, I provided him almost all the information he needed. My tears glands is in active mode & I feel EMO contributed by my pre-period symptoms. But I managed to hold it back! I told him " there is this much that I could do!" I feel helpless, not being able to do more for my parents & for myself. I am worried about mental status, I am worried that I will go crazy one day. Everything is embedded inside my heart. I have got assignments and presentations that I have not finished but the deadline is NEAR! I have got an important interview on coming Wed. I wish I could have another me to finish my job!

My second night, Acting NC Shanta was assigned to guide me! Didn't like but okay, done!

Sister Yeoh asked me why sisters never off my night since I start my night on sat & I don't like working night shift! I told her I don't know, they did not call me. It's not up to me right. Why I feel hateful about her remarks. Whatever la!

Last night, need alot alot sleeping time cos I am tired BUT I have alot of things not completed! HELP please!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meow on a Sunday afternoon

Lovely Sunday Deeto with Hubby @ Neko No Niwa Cat Café :)
I can't remember all their names except for those that I like! Hee.. MIA Meow pics are Emma, Brown Monkey...Looking forward to see U all again!
Thank U hubby for the pleasant surprise today!
My silly Qn was: R they real till I saw them moving :):):) tsk tsk tsk
Oh ya, their chocolate banana was awesome, I want to try their lemon tart next time!
Mr White & Kai Kai



Sunday, April 13, 2014

hi Murphy╮(╯_╰)╭

Ytd, my shift ends with a sweet & surprise MSG from my chubby hubby..."Decided to send my pick up my wifey. Call me when u done"... I was happy & didn't interpret too much about d surprise msg... after I've change my clothes, after I left d Ward, I was jumping & jumping like a little rabbit! But actually hubby was thinking 10steps ahead...I was sad to see his disappointed facial expression. I rather he don't come n pick me up & I go back myself via 190. My answer was I can't because I've some plan today. I asked him y can't he just 糊里糊涂过一天?I always 糊里糊涂过一天,有得吃就吃、有得睡就睡 silly silly day by day...hahaa... I guess that's my motto! I can't predict when I'll omitoufu, just do what I can...plan already can't fulfil then also OMG! ME full of Excuses la! Chubby hubby, I take back my words, pls do not follow my silly thinking! Babymonmon blog is a interesting communication channel that BTW u & me. Do I've plans? I do...but no definite schedules! Lol! My only wishes for chubby hubby... be healthy, be happy & sayang me many many! Hahhaa... that's all for now!

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I'm IC aka in-charge in CTSICU for the 1st time, guided by Agnes. She is a very senior RN in CTSICU, she is nice, friendly & willing to teach. many things to count...headache...

The customer available is 3!! Good cos I can count my items gradually, understand the work flow. Not sure if they will assigned me to Do this again tml another!

Friday, April 4, 2014


I have watched the movie Captain America twice at Golden Village but it's a totally different experience.
30/3/14: watched with hubby at Great World & it's Gold Class. Of course, the price is also gold class. Food is separate payment. We ordered ice-lemon tea & nachos with sala and cheese dip for $17.60!! Rating: overall experience is 3.5/5...marks deducted because we are being welcomed by staff, they were busy attenting to others need, we have ordered the snacks, payment was also late. Both of us was allocated first row but it's still fine. We sat at "Osim" chair, blanket provided.

3/4/14: It's treat from Ting Ting! This time is at DG. It was still a nice movie. Watching it again but it's a different feel...most of us are from Curtin students.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's my LIFE!

CTSICU exposure!
I have been in CTSICU for about 2months already! So fast! Common Qns from the crowds are: Do u like CTSICU? Do you want to stay here? Did you chose to come here? How long will you be here? Any difference from CCU? More things that in CCU to learn? Ah! U SSN(clinical) already? I thought you are a newly graduated SN attached to CTSICU...not one staff but a few asked me! Have you studied your advanced diploma? Sometimes, my silly but abit clever brain asked me if I should answer them truthfully or with reserve because I don't know them, not sure if they are good or bad?! Some questions .....I've forgotten already! Shall update when they ask me again! I like my preceptor because she is nice, not so fierce and very pleasant person...of course I do feel pressurised at times because there are so many things that I do not know. Now, I've get use to most of the routines but not all the RNs. Well, I give myself 2years to stay in CTSICU to learn most of their stuffs. I like to do dressing. I know more about chest tube, not so fearful about it. But there are also evil people la that wants to make my life unpleasant! Hate it! So stay away from me...evil forces.

Opportunity has come to knock on my door! One day...
Marilyn asked me via sms if I'm interested to join HF team for office hour anot!? I was abit tempted because I have plan to do office hour and maybe specialty. I have no special talents, not clever, not a management person. But so many Questions & uncertainty in my mind. My salary will be lesser...because no ward allowance, no meal allowance, no night shift allowance...$ is very important for me due to my current situations. Can I manage the work flow? Am I up to my boss's standards? Will CTSICU or management allow me to be transferred? My degree is still in progrwas and can they accommodate my schedule? Stressed again! On the good HF, got Marilyn & Symsul to guide me about the work flow. I work office hours, one saturday per month, off on PH. See what's the outcome & I update again. Everything is not confirmed so...I will keep my mouth SHUT to prevent rumors from killing me softly. 

I believe ..."everything happens for a reason!" Hope for best outcome for me! 

Too STRESSED or too HOT?!
Last night, I woke up suddenly because I got nose bleed for no reason! Got a shock but I manage it calmly and it stopped eventually and I slept again. I woke up 1hr 30mins later to prepare to go to work. Now I'm also having auntie visit...losing alot blood le! What if one day I just died in my dream? I have so many things I have done or say yet! My husband had been too buat & stressed with work & he doesn't share much of his matters or worries with me.....Am I complaining? Yes, I'm, I feel I'm like nOt his best buddies, best friend, best wife...share with more, look at ur Hp less for an half an hour is good enough. Okay, treasurethe possible talk time with before it's too late!

Dad....Pallative care....
I wonder sometimes if my dad understands his condition anot? Everyone dies one's hard for him because his son is not married, no wife, no to die in peace? I feel so evil n ruthless to tell him we can't live forever, it's not our choice to die on which day & how? His lungs functions left 30% or less and he is waiting for time. Sad but how? Sometimes, I feel useless, bad , evil but then how? I also want to live my life sometimes to enjoy myself! Take one step at a time la! Nobody can help me. Just hope I can cope ......just cry if needed! hahahaa...or just eat....or just run away....