Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Another day that I nid to rush home to take care of my old folks! I'm not complaining...ok...ya...I'm complaining cos I've to let my Chubby Hubby stays home alone again. Well, I guess I don't hv much choices cos I'm their only daughter & their only son is "MIA" for 2days! I loved this song "Lucky" by Jason Mraz cos I feel I'm lucky that d "higher authority up above me who send me to "Earth" to get my deserved "punishment" or rather I should say "a test" that I've to pass before I go back to my original "role"! Lol! I say I'm Lucky cos I'm married to this man who is willing to hold back his temper, caring for me as much as he can, trying his best to fulfill my many wishes, sending back home at late hour when he is still doing his stressful wk & of cos buying me gifts, monkeys & lotsa food etc. I must thank d higher authority up above for giving me such a adorable Chubby Hübby to help me through my difficult times. I don't know how long he can endure all this for me, I only pray that it will last as long as possible. I feel I should do as much as I can for my old folks cos I don't want to live my rest of my life feeling guilty, misery, blaming myself for not doing anything etc... Dear Chubby Hübby, who may read this silly blog :) THANKS SO MUCH! 😘😘😘 I didn't do anything great for u so far...But... 1. Try my best to listen to u. 2. Cook nice food with Happy Call pan 3. Try not to kick u.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chubby Hübby is BACK!!!

Chubby Hübby is BACK from BUSAN business trip!!! So nice...hehee...my presents r back too! Hahaa...later GAna killed! So excited cos it's my 1st time coming to Changi International Airport to pick up Hübby! Scared that I'll lost my way...I use my "map" app to guide me & came out early too! I like d feeling to fetch someone back after a trip.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


结婚绝对不是俩个人的事! 我绝对赞成! It's like freebies, my hubby get 👴👵👱!!!LOL!!! 谢谢老公agree to accept them to a certain extend! It's heart warming💋

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who is Ms Silly Evil Monkey?

I'm think I'm Ms Silly Evil yet timid 🐒 with a sprinkle of selfishness & sensitiveness! Beware & be careful cos I'm quite poison! Such a negative 🐒! There are many reasons & I'm feeling guilty yet unable to change!

Silly- cos I always do silly things, talk silly things & act silly!
Evil- always want d best for myself, didn't really care wat others feel.
Timid- didn't dare to voice my real thinking.
Selfishness- didn't really take good care of my parents, brother & husband and even do evil or say evil things to them cos I can only bully them without being timid! Lol!!
Poison- u don't know when & how u died cos u strike with poison.
I believe in Retribution...so I'm scare!

To Chubby Hubby who always read my blog...I'm giving u a serious stern warning on yr statement u made on Sunday...don't say that statement that easily or else...

Long Weekend

5-9 April 2012 is my OFF days cum 1PH!

050412- Do nothing; just ROC at home & Be LAZY monkey

060412- Went to view TIM & JOYCE house at 10am at Tampines. Followed by shopping at Tampines shopping mall..."cheat" daddy to buy me $60 worth of UniQlo items(*special thanks to Ryan for some contribution too!) Pick up Furgie to Bishan park for a walk

Hello everyone, my name is FUrgie! I loved to play, run & pee pee poo poo when I'm out! LOL!!

After that, I went to Pigsy hse to bake bread for sat class gathering...no lah! I only KPO, didn't help at all! I only helped to watch TV, eat Twister Tomato flavor potato chips & drink COKE.

I'm milk bread & I'm tasty & soft ^-^

After that, busy daddy fetched us for Dinner at "Bai Mee Fen"

070412- Pray Great-grandma & 1st Uncle in d morning. Followed by a full scheduled viewing at Sengkang & Punggol. After that, daddy send me to Tampines den he went for soccer game. Silly monkey walk for at least half an hour to look for fried Bee Hoon & decide on what to buy...Arrgg!! cos stupid leg is aching!! After that, went to look for d bus to Ling's hse for class gathering & I spend another 15mins to look for it! All couples except me, hence Silly monkey is abit @-@!

080412- Second viewing at Punggol with contractor & buying d unit. Showing Silly black monkey face to daddy during d car ride to Punggol.

090412- trying very hard to do some house work.

So so fast cos I'm going to work again! JiaYou silly monkey.....It's time to earn $$$ cos U spent alot tis month!

Embark on a new Journey!

This year, we decided to embark on a new Journey!

We planned to SELL & BUY house for d second time! It feels slightly different from d first time cos tis time we r making d decision tegether. In 2006, I'm only in charge of signing d agreement. Agent Peter, Garrison & cute Andrew is helping us out & at d same time trying to earn our MONEY!! LOL ^-^

We have to help out to clear our current house in preparation for d evaluation company to "mark" & "V" our house. Only a few couples viewed our house & a couple has decided to buy our house in less than a month since our house open for selling. Abit sad though, BYE BYE...

At d same time, our agents started to arrange houses for us to view as accoding to our request. Although it's our second time to purchase but it's our first time to "chose" d house. It's a gd experience cos I get to see other people's house & get involved in buying house. Our agents knows what Hubby is asking & looking for as times goes by & they prepared a "Viewing" schedule with remarks...nearest LRT...It's quite useful cos we decided to get 1 of d unit that we saw on 070412. Overall, I think d unit is quite nice BUT unfortunately they only hv 2 rooms hence, we need to spend abit for RENO. We went for 2nd viewing together wif d contractor d next day. Of course, eventually we have bought d house ALREADY!!! SO SCARY!!!

I'm abit worried! I hope we can have d final say on what we want & don't want items to move to d new house.

Items that is forbidden to go due to MONKEY personal reasons.

1. Painted BIG fridge
2. Painted BIG washing machine
3. Displayed cabinet
4. Cooking WOK
6. Dining Table
7. Water dispenser

Hehee...it's only my own thinking BUT.....we see how la!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My dream JOBS😘

1. Dog groomer
2. Kindergarten teacher
3. Mission trip Volunteer