Saturday, December 24, 2011


Omg! R u blind or simply can't be bothered?! Can't u see that there's a pregnant woman standing infront of u. She is with a big " tummy"; her baby is looking at u!!! U r such a young woman, cannot stand for awhile?!

If next time, I'm pregnant & nobody give up his/ her seat for me, U WATCH OUT! I'll tell u straight to yr face! Excuse me, would u mind kindly give up yr seat please! If that person pretend not to see, i would courteously say to him/her...."Open ur eyes, I need this seat!"

Well, it's just my thought, it would not occur to me! Maybe it will when i become LZB.....hahaaa 

Friday, December 23, 2011


Applied for Zoo pass & got it. It's a company benefit It's only valid for today & I've to return it tml. It's was raining early in d morning so I decided to bring my parents to go in d afternoon. We went at 2plus via dad's new "pushchair" via Taxi to the Zoo. It's was drizzling when we reach d Zoo but luckily it is not raining heavily Hence, we manage to see quite alot of things over 4hrs. Poor mama have to walk wif her, I'm sure her leg is going to ache tonight. Mama was so hungry after we walk a short distance, our last meal at 11am so we bought 2chicken wing & 1 cup fruits. Of course, mama finished them all! Hahaa...I asked her, "u 2days nv eat ah?" & she say ya BUT I forgotten that she had makan at 11plus.

Handsome hubby came to pick us up, I saved $10 taxi fare. Pls hor, cannot cut my 2012 season parking coupon cos I've got plans for 2012. Almost LOST my iPhone, luckily is drop in handsome hubby car, if not.....dead meat la!!! Fly away

Wanted to contribute some instant noodle to salvation army BUT to my horror....they no longer there today!! Faints But luckily managed to get d items I wanted to buy ytd.

My piggy leg really is aching after a long day since 6.30am! Going to sleep early if possible & I've to wake up early tml morning to return d Zoo pass before 11am to HR! My stupid forehead red patch is BACK to haunt me again! So itchy & ugly! Help 

Thursday, December 22, 2011


iPhone reflected 2"unknown no" call- didn't call back then receive a call from dad friend. Dad asked me to bring his nric cos he want to see dr at 24hr clinic. I went down quickly to his rescue! As we wait for our turn to see d dr, I called bro to bring down d wheelchair that I bought d other day so that later I can send dad home. That rascal bro, told me he haven eat & say he want to ask my mom to send down the wheelchair!!! I'm so angry!!! Cos I oso haven fully had my "messy" MacDonald happy meal(I was given a ugly toy instead of chipmunk!-pissed) I told my bro,"if I die before him & he got to take care of mom & dad; who is going to do it!!" argrr....I didn't ask him to bring STAT, ask him to bring after he eat his dinner. Really palpitation
But dad is still happy to see brother bring d wheelchair to fetch him. I push him halfway & bro take over to push dad home. Bro pushed dad very fast & dad looked scare.

Sat, I'm going to HK for holiday & now dad not well, bird flu alert.... when is my miserable life going to END & let me have a life I imagine

Dear Santa, please...please...please... All I want for this Christmas...please grant me!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Such a lovable boy

My godson JH is such a lovable boy most of the time :)
Now he knows how to call " God-ma" & when u hear him call me, my heart melts :)
I brought JH BD gift to his house on 5/12/11 & helped him to set up the Tomy car model & he started to play non-stop.

Today, I'm supposed to go to Pigsy hse to play but I'm sick so I cancelled our date.

via whatsapp....
Pigsy: I told Hao u sick. Nw he keep godma godma godma godma godma godma godma godma.
Pigsy: Guess what. Hao asking for u. He ask me where is godma??
Pigsy: I asked him track who buy he say godma.

Shall go visit him another day & set up part 2 tomy car model :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What a FUN-filled day :)

Belinda & myself always wanted to rent a stall from flea market to sell away the items that we don't want. Finally, Belinda rented a stall from Braddell Heights CC Multi purpose Hall & Hard Court on 4/12/11. I ransack my cupboards & possible areas to dig all my treasures & sellable items. To my surprise, I really found some treasures & memories that I've forgotten long ago. I slept at 3am on 4/12/11 & woke up at 7am to prepare myself. The Big box contains old & new clothes that either I can't fit or I dun wear at all, some soft toys, 1photo album with 2 nice foc pics, cute towel & genuine NAraya bags etc. LC also brought some old clothes to sell away. We reach Braddell CC at about 9am, paid Kelvin $15 for 1stall & set up our stall, price tag the items & wait for our customers. There are about 20stalls, some sells clothes, bags, jigsaw puzzles, soft toys, homely craft etc.

I paid $3.50 for rental cos I stayed till 1pm. 1st item SOLD is "cute rabbito Naraya bag" for $4.50, the auntie was abit hesitant to buy it cos she don't whether she will use it. But I managed to coax her to buy it with a $0.50 discount. Hahahaa.... I sold $16 of clothes($3X5+$1) to a Philipino lady. I think I quite brave to show her my 3/4pant to her & told her tat she will look very nice with heels. I showed her another mixed(pink & orange) color dress that my brother bought for me in Thailand & coax her to buy it at $3, I told her that only 1 piece & is special. Hehehee....

I bought 2items from the Flea market- 1 Smurfette IPhone cover for $10 & 1homely craft "country kitchen" item for $20. I left at about 1pm to NEX for Lunch before going to RWS.

Belinda continues til 4pm with her sister & she helped me to sell off my 3NARAya bag for $15, 1photo album for $2, 1jean for $2 & 1towel for $0.50. The rest of the items were either given away or sent to salvation army for a better use.

Overall, it's a fun session cos I get to "work" as a salesgirl for 1/2 day & earn some $ & buy new items. I don't like the hot TENTAGE, maybe this is one of the reason I fall sick & tires out easily.

PART 2 event of the day is to RWS :):):) Pigsy TerSee family booked a room in Festive Hotel 2D1N with 2"FOC"Universal Studio ticket at the cost of $600 to celebrate JH's 2nd BD. Expensive hor!!! We meet at Festival hotel lobby to go up to the hotel room to "WOW" & see how does the expensive hotel looks like. The room is really nice, the view is nice, the bed & pillow is soft, got bathtub etc. We r instructed by Pigsy to pose for pics. After we settle down, we get change & play at Hard rock hotel man-made sand swimming pool. We only played for almost 1hour & JH was shivering badly but he still continues to play with the sand & water. We asked him if it's nice, he said,"nice but cold cold"! HAhaa... We went back to the room to get change for our next program- Dinner Buffet at FIEsta. LC was very sporty to come back to RWS after his soccer session & bought 2BD present for JH. The food at Fiesta overall is above average for me; I loved the cold prawns, salad, olives & fruits. After we had our dinner, we celebrate JH's BD with Swensen's ice-cream cake. Too full! JH loved the 2 present that uncle bought for him, according to his mom & pictures evidence, we r convinced that JH really loved Hershley more :) LAst min, I decided to stay at Festive hotel for a night to feel d expensive bed & environment. But, I can hear ZG loud snoring sound & I receive a "kick" from JH! Hahhaaa.... it's so furni!! Overall, I still enjoyed myself despite I didn't have a good sleep. Worst of all, my stupid course at 8am at TP wasn't on & I didn't noe till I reach the there!! Waste my time, my effort, my sleep & my travel fare.