Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Which part of yr body is most EVIL?

Which part of yr body is most EVIL? Make a Quick guess without going thru yr brain analyzation. There is no right or wrong answer cos as long as u can explain yr reasons.

My answer is "MOUTH!"Why?

My reasons are:
1. Gossip is being delivered via MOUTH
2. Words can kill! See...MOUTH do d job!
3. Miscommunications starts from MOUTH
4 Quarrel with d help of Mr/Ms/Mdm/Mrs MOUTH
5. Misunderstanding starts from spreading not full version of story from pple to pple via MOUTH.
6. Relationship is spoilt with wrong information/ wrong choice of words out from MOUTH
7. Spoiling reputation by bad-MOUTH-ing
8. Sadness, tears come rolling down after a "nasty thrash" by "Crazy MOUTH!"
& many other examples that u all have encounter etc....

So morale of my story is...
1. Mind yr own business
2. Keep yr MOUTH under locked at all times
3. Think very very very carefully before u transmit what yr brain want to say
4. Better communications with people ESP pple whom U care & who really care for U.
5. Brush yr teeth & discipline all yr body parts to "live better & longer"

Am I too negative? Recently, work is really headache cos too many usual "political happenings". Of course, I can't handle properly & I ended up with negative feedbacks & thoughts!

I won't be surprised that when I'm old, I've to go thru a not so easy life cos I'm too EVIL!

I shall be as quiet as possible, try not to get myself involve & life my "I Dun Care" work-life! Easy said than done la!

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