Sunday, March 11, 2012

Joke of d night

I met a joker on my last night...

Pt- I'm looking for ...(d pt is wearing a FM, therefor I concluded tt my Fren can't hear her correctly!
Melanie- no, u can't eat Bee Hoon now, u nid to wait for breakfast at 8am
Pt- who r u?
Me- I'm a nurse.
Pt- no! wat's yr name?
Pt- are u Bee Hwa?
Me- Ya!
Pt-Y jus now I ask d nurse tt I'm looking Bee Hwa, y she told tat I cannot eat "Bee HOon?"
Me- told Melanie & we all LOLfaints....

I feel that I tell alot of lies mostly "white lie" to my customer! LOL...

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