Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Which part of yr body is most EVIL?

Which part of yr body is most EVIL? Make a Quick guess without going thru yr brain analyzation. There is no right or wrong answer cos as long as u can explain yr reasons.

My answer is "MOUTH!"Why?

My reasons are:
1. Gossip is being delivered via MOUTH
2. Words can kill! See...MOUTH do d job!
3. Miscommunications starts from MOUTH
4 Quarrel with d help of Mr/Ms/Mdm/Mrs MOUTH
5. Misunderstanding starts from spreading not full version of story from pple to pple via MOUTH.
6. Relationship is spoilt with wrong information/ wrong choice of words out from MOUTH
7. Spoiling reputation by bad-MOUTH-ing
8. Sadness, tears come rolling down after a "nasty thrash" by "Crazy MOUTH!"
& many other examples that u all have encounter etc....

So morale of my story is...
1. Mind yr own business
2. Keep yr MOUTH under locked at all times
3. Think very very very carefully before u transmit what yr brain want to say
4. Better communications with people ESP pple whom U care & who really care for U.
5. Brush yr teeth & discipline all yr body parts to "live better & longer"

Am I too negative? Recently, work is really headache cos too many usual "political happenings". Of course, I can't handle properly & I ended up with negative feedbacks & thoughts!

I won't be surprised that when I'm old, I've to go thru a not so easy life cos I'm too EVIL!

I shall be as quiet as possible, try not to get myself involve & life my "I Dun Care" work-life! Easy said than done la!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finally found U

I never learn my lesson at all! I never have fixed place to keep my things & when I nid them den I start to search for it! Recently I've jus trying to tidy my messy corner & end up throwing alot of things :(
One fine day I decided to look for my discount cards & realize "Dun hv Lei?". Of cos finally I found it jus ard d corner :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Joke of d night

I met a joker on my last night...

Pt- I'm looking for ...(d pt is wearing a FM, therefor I concluded tt my Fren can't hear her correctly!
Melanie- no, u can't eat Bee Hoon now, u nid to wait for breakfast at 8am
Pt- who r u?
Me- I'm a nurse.
Pt- no! wat's yr name?
Pt- are u Bee Hwa?
Me- Ya!
Pt-Y jus now I ask d nurse tt I'm looking Bee Hwa, y she told tat I cannot eat "Bee HOon?"
Me- told Melanie & we all LOLfaints....

I feel that I tell alot of lies mostly "white lie" to my customer! LOL...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1slot of leave

Year 2012...my 1st slot of leave is on 27feb-4mar! After my 4dramatic nights, I'm off on 24-26/2/12.

25/2/12- went to orchard & hv Japanese lunch followed by hair cut by Anne at Mandarin Gallery.
26/2/12- went to Belinda's baby Declan Lim's 1st mth celebration with hubby. After that went to Bishan to watch "we r not naughty" movie & dinner at Sakae Sushi.
28/2/12- MIT Belinda & Declan to go to orchard, had lunch at Crystal Jade followed by shopping
29/2/12- MIT Christina, Zhengjun, LIPING at Lot1 MOF for dinner.

3-4/3/12- Bintan 2D1N trip

Most of d days, I just do nothing! Watched 2 Korean drama- Lie Lie & Secret Garden. I think d best part of leave is I can MIT lambchop almost everyday if I've nothing on. Hahaa...can bully him & cheat dinner treat but d bad part is I made him spend too much $

So fast...it has ended I feel that I didn't do much.

5-6/3/12- is my off day but same thing...I didn't anything meaningful


2D1N Bintan getaway on 3-4/3/12


0730hrs: Breakfast: century egg porridge & crab CCF at 126

0900hrs: 2way Emerald class ferry $218

- Nirwana resort hotel $170

Shiok shiok massage package booked by Hubby $150
~ @-@...d massage is too shiok until hubby slept & snore like he is at home sleeping on his tempur pillow, d ladies laughed but he didn't know & sleep like a baby :)


Lunch at pasar oleh oleh

Archery & Gun shooting

- Kelong seafood $104 for 600g crab cooked with salted egg + curry leaf + garlic, steamed garlic prawns & black pepper crayfish :) Slurp!!


International Breakfast at Coffee house *-*


Watch my fav HK actor "Zhang JiaHui"'s crazy show in d room.

Hubby recuited "Bin Bin" & "Dan Dan" as my new soft toys :)

-Thai food for Lunch...lover set meal that includes green seafood curry, Pad thai, green mango with boneless fried fish & sugarless yet sweet chamomile tea...

A short getaway ended so soon...really looking forward another short vacation & travel "in style"! LOL :)

Special thanks to CUTE hubby for planning d trip ;P