Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hi December 2016

Hi December 2016, nice to meet u, r u in the rush to end December & anxiously looking forward to meet January 2017? 

U r asking how about me??? 

I am not really sure!!! Time seems to tick tock so quickly everyday, I doesn't seems to be able to gasp it well. Another 9days to go before I go on my last annual leave slot for year 2016. Meaning I am flying to Hokkaido for 8D 6N soon. I am indeed excited but also with mixed feeling. I am of course worried about my mom, whether my helper can handle my mom a not during this period of time and my that good for nothing brother if he will help to take care of his problems & my mom anot. 

Wondering how to deal or understand human to human relationships. I wonder why my friendships all like so weak structures. Shipwreck is so common for me even though is don't have much ship investment. I do not have capital, time, love & skills to prevent the ship from wrecking. Some things are unpreventable. I will have to accept it gradually. Sometimes, I do not know the reasons or real reasons on why my shipwreck. 

I have to learn to be happy alone. 

Not everyone is destined to be happy with companies or the other way round. Till I figure it out one day. I will continue to learn. 

Now I am sleepy n I need to sleep. Update another day 

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