Sunday, November 20, 2016

Walla Hen's night on 19.11.16

After work, meet the gals for lunch at Carousel to celebrate Walla's Hen's night on 19.11.16. We then go to Orchard hotel for part 2 celebration. 3kids & 7 adults in a small having lots of fun, kids start with playing their new little toys then they targeted the adults. They play make up artists on the move. I am like a Geisha with the bright red lipstick & red blusher! So furni but scary. At 5pm, all left except the bride n the 3 of us to continue the fun. We went to somerset for bingsu, massage at Kenko then midnight show at Lido. During the movie, the bride's HP vibrate ... mom calling & she went out to answer then came back. Less than like 10mins after the bride is back, her phone rings again & she turned to me & say... my mom called, I gtg!!!!! What's?!!! I was like?!!! In a shock state, what does that mean? Bride going to answer the phone then come back? I turned to Regine & the movie one of lead say..."it's a mistake!!!" Followed by a sms in our Chat group, " my mom called, I gtg!" And the bride disappeared!!! No reply after we continue the chat. Anyway, we finished watching the movie "Dr Stranger". After the show ended, the 3 of us was in shock!! We become "Shelock Holmes" to analyze the who situation. So in the beginning, the bride don't have the intention to stay overnight with us cos she didn't bring her clothes. I felt cheated by her. If she doesn't want to stay overnight with us, she can always she say she is not interested or decline. Wasted my friend's hotel voucher. We ended up going back home via cab feeling fooled, shock & upset. I am going to re-evaluate our friendship. Going to give only market rate angbao. Angry.

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