Sunday, March 6, 2016


In 1998, we met for the 1st time in NYP, we enrolled ourselves in DIN. After 3yrs, we made it to the "N" world. Almost 18 years of friendship, fond memories flowing into my mind when I meet them.

After so many years, we met again as old friends and our life's changes are different. WF + ZG = 4 (additional 2 boys in their life). NN + hubby = 3 (a beautiful daughter Millie in their wonderful life).
IV + VC = 2.

Each and everyone has our own unique characters. Each kid has their way to demand things they need and want. As a outsider, we can't comment too much, it is because they are not your kids and their parents did not say thing. We won't understand their situation as we are not in their shoes. Disciplining ourselves already requires a lot effort- our temptations towards yummiest sinful food or shopping thoughts or battle against the evil spirit at work or being happy etc...

Actually, I already know the fact- having a baby is never easy cos u need to be ready- physically & emotionally, ur financial must be stable and willing to sacrifice. Husband is always right, it's probably more sensible to have a dog than a kid cos of the current situation. Well, I am more certain now and decided that we should have black or golden dog or cat to be part of our baby family.

Now, I only wish I could have adequate good sleep to prepare myself for everyday brand new challenges.

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