Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gäm Siä

Dad was admitted to NUH twice within 2wks Due to long term smoking addiction!!! Omg!!! Luckily he is fine after treatment. I'm grateful to d pple who is concern abt my dad! Hubby is oso very sweet to fork out some of his precious time out of his busy schedule to bring my dad home. Hubby try to cheer me up by fulfilling my requests & wishes! Bring me go eat nice food, chat with me, bring me & OZ to ECP & tolerate my Princess pattern & mood! I loved ECP coz can go walk walk, it's very windy & "blowed away" my unhappiness and good nice food to eat( like famous wantan mee & porky satay). Sometimes things doesn't happen d way u wanted or imagine SO d morale of d story is...treasure what Ü have, Do what Ü want to do, eat whatever Ü want & be happy! Ah Li la

Y pple must make others feel bad or unhappy?! We don't own u for a living okay! Pls try to reflect your own actions & words even though u say U don't mean it! I'm also human & my mum's princess lei! Thanks for yr consideration. After a "Shout out", I feel better

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My 1st preceptee...

It's going to happen for real this time?! I can't believe my eyes & ears when d new roster came out & Sister Ong says that I'm going to precept Belinda Tan. I'm so excited & scare too BUt I'm sure I can do it. Actually, previously I'm suppose to precept Yanly but then she was posted to CVL so I didn't get to precept her at all. Monday(26/7/10) is coming & it's d 1st day I'm going to wk & precept my 1st "chicken". So many Qns pop up in my head!!.....What should I teach her? Will she accept my teaching methods? Can she understand my teaching? Are the things I teach her is correct? ECG, Cardiac Output, Pigtail insertion, Cardioversion, AMI, APO, Intubated, Drugs, Intubation, Extubation, Arterial blood taking blah blah...... oh! btw, how long she'll be with me?..... I simply have no answer yet??

It's has been so many yrs ago since...when I 1st started out as a newly graduated RN & posted to B2...almost 9yrs ago??? Can U imagine?? :D My 1st preceptor is Aishabi.( A furni & unforgetable incident is I had NOSE BLED in B2 & my colleagues laughed at my Preceptor & say It's bcoz she stressed me too much!!!) Then I went for my Adv DIp & came back in Nov 2004. My 2nd preceptor is Ms Leong S.T.( I quite scare of her coz when comes to wk she is so serious.) And Now>>> Finally it's my turn to b one! I'm actually slower than the rest coz my younger colleagues has already have a few preceptee lor! I'm consider slow lor :0 ( I'm not complaining :X)

My initial assessment of my preceptee; Belinda Tan :)
- there seen to be a little "fate connection" between the two of us.
- I don't know her well at all. I only Know her name, her rough age (~25), has "attitude" look, nice smile, stays at Yishun.
- A fast learner according to Belinda Wong.

My initial assessment of myself ( after she c this, she may consider changing her preceptor :P)
- Knowledge not enough :S
- Blur blur

- Slow slow
- ? got patience...Abit only
- Speak not that clear
- Scare scare

We shall wait & see for d results. Hope she could benefit from my LIMITED edition knowledge. Actually I don't nid to worry too much coz there are other more experienced Seniors around to teach her (HAhAA) if she needs so it depends on her too. I can only be part of her learning process. I shall evaluate & decribe my experience of being a Preceptor 3months later if I'm confirm to be her preceptor coz Belinda Wong say I may not be the one(maybe is Mr Lim CC). If it's Mr Lim CC oso a blessing in disguise for her coz he is so much experienced & knowledgeable than me. If it's true then I take it as a challenge & a learning journey for me too! JiaYou ba!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Another day....

Another day...means....1day nearer day$$$, sucess, unexpected futures & happening in yr life, retirement, next overseas trip and many more!! 1day away from yr... fond memories, unhappy experience, regret moments & etc!! What is d moral of my story?! Is for U to think & for mi to reflect. For now, I can onli true to urself, live happily wif smile coz even if u  oso another day so dun make urself miserable(< chance for wrinkles/ high BP/stroke BUt >chance for happiness),do what u nid to do & most importantly LÖve pple that Ü LÕve!! Easy to said than do

What do U think?! 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Off day

想做就去做!明天。。。我能做什么事呢?我能不能做到? 一定。。。要!!加油!明天才告诉你。

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Jus Clumsy!!!

What!!! There goes my CORN la!! I'm simply clumsy, didn't place my corn cup properly & spill all OVER d place! Didn't get to eat, still have to clean up d fresh steamed corn la!! StuPig