Sunday, November 29, 2009

What's on my mind?

I met up with my friends last fri & they asked me...r u going to be a missy for life? I oso dun noe BUt I hope to b out of NHC by 2012 blah! Y? I think by then I'm old & may not function that efficiently. My idea dream job by then may be "Urban Write" staff selling my favourite stuffs :P being a kindergarten teacher :) Housewife? NOoo...dun want to be "yellow-faced granny" hahaa... being "Tai Tai" then I may consider :> dreaming while wide-awake!! In S'pore, U must be super rich den U can be jobless & still can enjoy. Things r getting more & more expensive. D amount of $$ can't seems to be enough every month. I already spend half of my salary in d beginning of d mth & got to count down for my nx mth salary. I can't buy lotsa things that I want. But luckily I still go shoping & eat nice food lah!


From nov9 till new job scope includes SDA. Why? I'm d chosen one to be 1mth SDA missy...thought my turn won't be tis yr But still got to face it bravely. Luckily my working partners r nice people. I think i'm not suitable to a SDA missy coz got to handle FON...people, situations, phone calls, stupid shit endless paper work & people checking on ur wk as usual etc!! On 2nd day, I yawned :p coz got to look thru many paper work, write things that i may not have done. Hopefully by end of the yr, I dun get more than 10 complains or else BOSS's hair STANDS!! Hahaa :) D most unforgetable event happen is when a client turn out when his procedure is scheduled on a different date!! Got to make phone calls & endure their angry face & words and even can't hold my tears & cried eventually...bad image...infront of my colleagues. No face :( Well, it's over hopefully...just hope that no complain letter! What my feedback so far?? I feel too much copied paper work, some times miscommunications coz d lab & ward level calls d client & may confused plus wrong informations may b delivered, client should b responsible for their own health as some dun take med after they feel "well enough". Nevertheless, I'm going to completed my task tis wk & pass the baton. What information should I pass to them? Probably d routines, d roles & situations they may face. I'm going back to my original job scope & I wonder how long I nid to function normally coz I lose touch for a month. Dear friends, pls bear with mi.

Monday, November 2, 2009

3rd night....

Finally it's my last nite...I was praying for better & peaceful nite BUT obviously my prayer is not answer coz I'm still BUZY!!! OMG, wat's happening? Normally my nite shift is quite Okay. It's ICA client turn bad again! Got a call from my colleague at 5plus while we doing our morning rounds. I went over to help for a short while den my more experienced sis came & I went back to my original place to continue. Shortly, tat client came to us & we started to wk. One of my senior made a comment & my colleague cried! Poor thing oso coz everyone is trying to finish their wk but additional wk came. I'm really sorry that my colleague got to wk OT. It's jus my luck ah! Anyway I got a notification from my Sister that I'm doing SDA :<>