Wednesday, September 30, 2009


KOh, Marilyn & myself went to visit Belinda & family on 29092009. Callum is soo cutez & small. They bought me a black forest cake & I get to "blow" candle! The sequence was a bit furni....after Belinda light up the candles, getting ready the camera & I was instructed to "blow" the candle! Hahaa...haven sing birthday song lei, having make a's all okay coz I'm very happy to "blow" candle! Every year, didn't get to hear pple sing bday with cake & "blow" candle.

Daddy normally will sing b'day song for me but no cake. Aiya, I oso never buy bday cake & sing for him leh!

Monday, September 28, 2009


It's my 29th last 20's number to be seen & nx year I'm in d 30's club :( Yesterday went out with Priscilla, Weide, Meilan & Soon Pore to celebrate my birthday at Bugis Seoul Garden. Yuting is unable to join us but she sms....Hello..! Happy birthday to u!! Best wishes..

Daddy Lim sang mi a birthday song..... *-*

ThQ everyone for the birthday wishes :)

0413...Marilyn Tay: Happy Birthday Ivy..Stay pretty and happy always..Enjoy ur day..
0750...Belinda: Happy BiRThdAY Nanny!
Kenneth Prudential: Hi Ivy, Happy Birthday.
0836...Meilan: Happy Birthday, gal! May u stay happy always!
0934...Pigsy See: Happy birthday my Piglet...Hope U enjoy your special day :)
0957...Zhiguo: Happy birthday :)
1040...Sotong: Happy birthday missy tan! Stay happy always :)
1245...Huiling: Happy birthday. ENjoy ur day.
1239...Christina: Happy birthday to u.
1754...Renu: Hapi birthday. Many many happy returns of the day..
1949...Regine: Hey Ivy, "Happy Birthday!"

1743...Siti: hi, m late to wish u happy bday again!
2250...Kavitha: Hapi b-lated b'dae my dear fren ivy..

I've received 3bags this year.....Adidas bag from Pigsy, LV from daddy & Longchamp from colleagues :) plus pouch from Wenying.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

23092009 ROM anniversary

23092009 is Our ROM anniversary..... wanted to meet Daddy Lim for Dinner BUT got a recall back to work coz my colleague is MC! It's ok lah! Finished work at 10pm coz got some calls to make before I leave work place as I'm on night next day so worrried that things may crop up due to me. I didn't request Daddy to pick me up soo... I took train back. Abit sad that I went to work & he can't come to pick me up since it's our anniversary :( Wait for next year & request OFF day & not to go work.'s OVER!!! Cheer UP :)


It's Daddy Vin's actual day birthday!!! He went to return Honda Jazz 7724 to his friend Francis then he went to fetch Our new car....Suzuki Swift 5466. He came to my hoUse to have "Ai Xin" Lunch prepared by me :) I cooked ABC soup, sotong balls & my fav brocoli with prawns :) Taste wise... edible & not bad lah! (rated by myself) hahaaa......
After lunch we went back to Admirtly to load car items. When I opened my cupboard & I SAW......a big paper bag.....LV??? OMG??? it's my advanced birthday present :> LV bag? I can't believe my own eyes coz it cost $1080 & daddy buy for me as my birthday present! No wonder, he say he's BANKRUPT after he buy the present *~* It's the design that me & Priscilla went to see when we went shopping the other time & say wants to buy it with instalment. Now it's mine!!! I told daddy why never bring me go & buy?? Coz I want to have a feel of buying branded goods in branded shop. Wahaaa.....Crazy right *-*. We went to Orchard Heeren to look for neoprint machine to take pictures...but all the neoprint shop under renOvations. We proceed to Cineleisure & found the neoprint shop :) BUT Xpensive...$12.00!!! We were so stiff & not much of pattern & poses :} Not too bad lah!! Still Quite nice :] We window shop for quite some time & settle down at Cedele restaurant to eat our dinner. Aiya, forget to bring camera to take down the nice food that we ate :{ We had Linguine with Beef, Wild Berry Pancakes with sausage, Mango Lasi & Carrot cake. Delicious meal; I Loved the food :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Daddy went to fetch OZ from Fiona's Hse to Admirlty to celebrate OZ's belated birthday (actual date is 0309)!
We went to Bishan park to play in the late afternoon. OZ doesn't seems to be interested to socialise or make new friends...BUT only interested to EAT snacks!!! Arghh!!!
Then we went K9 cafe(near Turf city) to have dinner. Daddy bought her "lamb-favor Meatball"...she swallow them all in spilt seconds...hahaa..... :) Daddy asked...."OZ long time never eat ah!" We ordered pancakes which toOk 45mins to prepare.....Bitter gourd dagger eye Daddy has NO more patience to wait.....& asked them to packed for takeaway!!! :( Waited for so long & we didn't get to eat. Luckily not that hungry. We sent OZ back home.
After that, we proceed to Nick & Stacey's to eat steamboat dinner. Finally.....DINNER time :) Nice coOkies & cream ice-cream with sweet Cherry ;> HAhaaa...Daddy look soO furni while he was playing "Hoo-la-hOop" :) :) :)
Home sweet home :) Suddenly I realise that both of Us didn't go for pee pee after we left home.....