Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hello September 2016

Hello September 2016!!! U finally arrived, I have been looking forward to see u but when u arrived, u also bring along disappointment. Indeed, u did it again!!!

2.9.16 disappointment 1- brother say he is going to China to work?!!! WTF?!!!

3.9.16 disappointment 2- brother really fly to China!!! Wahahha

However, recovered hubby via - First, he brings me go ECP for breakfast at Coffee Bean. I had Salmon Bagel with cream cheese & a cup of soothing hot tea. Hubby ordered strawberry waffles with 2 scoops of yogurt. I loved it & I am thinking about it now. When can I go again ah? Hehe... Followed by Suntec adventure - watch "Train to Busan" at GV, then dinner at Kohaku but also wanted to vomit after meal, probably too oily. End the day with Green tea Vitagen.

4.9.16 My First Practical Driving lesson at BBDC at 7.30am at area A, car 111. Did my instructor also faint or wanted to vomit blood? Hahaha. ..

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