Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Happy birthday to ME!

Today is my lunar Birthday on 20.9.16! Happy Lunar Birthday to myself!

Make 3 wishes ... 1) Wish whatever loans that brother is taking can be settle soon & then I do no need to live in fear & unknown.  2) Wish all my family members which include Mom, Hubby, Me, brother, in-laws, uncles & aunties, friends which includes Bel, Pigsy & family members be healthy, happy & lesser worries! 3) It's a secret!

Life is hard for me but I am still a lucky 🍀 terrific terror!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Helo September 2016

Helo September 2016!!!

Time is running fast, today is already mid- September?!!!

Since 3.9.16, I am living with fear & unknown since the day my brother ran away from home & left Singapore; leaving all his problems behind. Don't he worry about us and if there is any possibilities that his debtors will harm us? There are many haunting calls & sms from the debtors made to my home & my handphone is making me emotional upset. I do not know how to handle such situations, never thought this will happen to us. Then one day, a EVIL IDIOTIC AH LONG called me & shouted at me. After that, I was too gullible to transfer $ to one of the debtors. I CURSE that person severely silently via my secret diary. Not being able to confide in LC about what happened, i received firm scolding & warning. I was still able laugh to try to smoke my way through.  For real, common sense can't be taught. STUPIDITY is like HF, a long term medical condition that can't be cure with medications. Medications only helped to maintain the condtions. I was not able to able to process my thoughts rationally once someone threatens to do something evil to me. Damn scary cat! For now, I can only take one step at a time to see how this matter can resolve and seek advice my advisor LC. Once matters are more settle down, I want to change my HP & house phone contact number.

Sometimes, I wonder how long can I endure this type of situation. What is most extreme actions I will take to end all this nonsense? Is EOL a solution? I was wondering how long, how much things they have endure or been through before they do something silly to end their own life? How much courage must they muster before they chose to leave everything behind before they plan to die? Did they ever seek help? What are their fears before they gasp for their last breath? Do they have any regrets for taking such extreme actions? Did they spare a thoughts for their loved ones? Did they think where will they go after they die? Did they prepare the amount of $ for the family to do the last ritual for them? If anyone wants to die, please prepare cash at least 10K to have a simple last goodbye. Don't they know, if they die, everything is meaningless for them. No more wonderful food, no more wonderful ppl with u anymore, no more NICIs soft toys, not been able irritate ppl that u LOVED, no need to sleep but at least no need to work anymore!!! Lol 😂

Please let me have a peaceful birthday 2016.

Ai koon liao bui tahan...

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hello September 2016

Hello September 2016!!! U finally arrived, I have been looking forward to see u but when u arrived, u also bring along disappointment. Indeed, u did it again!!!

2.9.16 disappointment 1- brother say he is going to China to work?!!! WTF?!!!

3.9.16 disappointment 2- brother really fly to China!!! Wahahha

However, recovered hubby via SURPRISE.com - First, he brings me go ECP for breakfast at Coffee Bean. I had Salmon Bagel with cream cheese & a cup of soothing hot tea. Hubby ordered strawberry waffles with 2 scoops of yogurt. I loved it & I am thinking about it now. When can I go again ah? Hehe... Followed by Suntec adventure - watch "Train to Busan" at GV, then dinner at Kohaku but also wanted to vomit after meal, probably too oily. End the day with Green tea Vitagen.

4.9.16 My First Practical Driving lesson at BBDC at 7.30am at area A, car 111. Did my instructor also faint or wanted to vomit blood? Hahaha. ..