Friday, July 24, 2015

I am Luis

Recently, watched sponsored movie "Ant-Man" with complimentary Popcorn & Pepsi set.

LC told me that my character is like Luis; Ant-man's good fren. Luis likes to tell long story, from head to toe. Bel also agrees.

Hi everyone, I am Luis IT.

Not everyone can receive feedback positively at once, I will need to go thru some thinking.

Feels sad :(
Feels that I am not their style (LC & Bel)
X...Get straight to the point is not my style, probably that's ppl is usually frustrated when I am having conversation with them.
如果你能爱听我的长篇大论而不会 feel frustrated...
won't be alone 
won't feel sad

feel happy, 
feel important, I will tell u more... 

I could have a Doraemon who is never bored or feel frustrated with me.

If I could change my character, not to tell long story, my life might be better.
1) Keep my reply/answers short & sweet (summarised)
2) Don't tell long stories to LC & Bel.

IT: Aiyo, no need to change la! Happy 就好了! Hahaa... continue to let them suffer la!

Now, I know why I like to have soft toys cos my imaginary friends will always smile & looks happy when I tell them long story... they LOVED it. Hahahaa.....

Monday, July 6, 2015


If... I can be more bold & brave.

After my groceries & dinner shopping, I took bus 960 to go home. There was a young pregnant woman who board the same bus as me. Nobody seems to notice that she is pregnant, hence no one give up their seat. She moved in as much as she can as it is peak hours. She is a pretty, pettie young pregnant lady. Eventually, she was just standing beside me. I hoped someone could give up their seat for her but nobody did. Finally, I muster some courage to ask her if she wants me to ask the guy to give up his seat but she say no need & she is fine. That man's eyes glued to the ipad & HP when the lady stands beside him. (For goodness sake, when u r with your GF, or WIFEY, please put your Electronic items away for at least 5mins to spend quality time with her, she will be touched!)So I didn't. Just then, he saw her "little angel" waving to him & he give up his seat. Sometimes, I feel being a male also is of disadvantage cos they would have to give up their seat due to "gender responsibilities". Sometimes, they might be tired physically & emotionally & wished to catch some rest during the long bus ride. Well, well... hey guys... it is still your responsibilities to take care of women & kids. 

If ... if one day this impossible situation happens... if I am pregnant, carrying a "healthy angel" in my tummy, I wished I will get seats to rest. LOL!!! Nah! Don't worry Hubby, it's just a random thought, not a want or need! Hope u could give up ur seats whenever possible.

Thank you Mr for giving up your seat.