Wednesday, April 29, 2015

3D2N Krabi trip

25-27/5/15: 3D 2N Krabi trip with Jessie & Regine

Fly via Tiger air, stay at Ban Sainai Aonang=total cost: $300
Spending: $350

Day 1 Activities: Massage, Starbucks coffee & cake High Tea, street shopping, seafood dinner @ Longtail restaurant, watch TV & snacking then bath sleep.

Day 2 Activities: resort in-house breakfast, took tour guide bus to enjoy our pre-booked activities worth 2500 baht... include 30mins ATV, it was exciting, scary at certain points, I am scare to fall cos it all hard surfaces, stones. Unfortunately, Regine fall at the ending, feel so painful for her. If I was her, I sure Cry... after ATV, we ate some sweet pineapple then set off to next destination- water rafting for 5K. As I am scare of water, I was very careful not letting myself to fall, holding on the rope tightly,  grab whatever that will prevent myself from falling into the water. It was uneventful but enjoyable... After that, we went for elephant trekking- I was scare again cos the elephant have to climb up slope then down slope, carrying me & Regine's plus the guides man's weight... so poor thing, I wouldn't want to try that if possible... then simple lunch... we have rice with fried egg, fried chicken, veg, water & watermelon. We are given a free waterfall destination but super boring then to monkey cave which is also super boring... After all activities, we went back to resort then go for Massage again. This time the massage is disappointing.

Friday, April 17, 2015


My name is IVY.
My character is like my name:
😟I-mai*I-mai- can't make real decisions even simple things like what to eat for lunch or dinner, can't make up my mind, do things slow slow etc, 😟idealistic- always dreaming to be a greater, better person
😟Idolize- people who are smart, pretty & talented people. Usually, I am also jealous them cos my brain contains nothing, I describe my brain as coconut brain, only water, no meat. Hahaha... it makes me feel worthless sometimes. It makes me feel shame shame of myself cos I speak like a brainless idiot. Most of the time I regretted what I have said very fast but it's too late to apologize. Husband- so sorry, I am not ur ideal wifey. Nvm la hor... can't escape from me le!
😛I-irritating- I am like a irritating specimen that can drive u to the wall, vomit blood... I know U don't like me touchy touchy touch u but I can't help it, when I see u, I automatically wants to hold u, grab ur arms, hand etc... I am try to be mindful that U don't like it. (How do I know? *from ur non-verbal cues la! Well, enjoy this irritating wifey while she grabs ur arms before I have return to another world) hahaha.....

V-very fortunate to have my husband who is my most reliable pillar. U are like my "instant" estacy make me happier. I feel like telling u all my unhappiness, happiness, silly & everything cos I know I "instantly" become Cinderella, like a princess 👸 & I am treated like a princess though sometimes u forget my presence. I am so grateful today especially when u know my mom is not well & u came to my rescue on your busy schedule.

Y- I LOVE TO ASK Y? And it's silly Y? For example...Y am I not like others who are steady in their work, Y my brain contains nothing, Y I am less fortunate than some others, Y I am not pretty, Y I am born in the family, Y I am so indecisive, Y I am so lazy, Y I am like others, Y people bully me, Y politics, Y force me, Y can't leave me alone, Y must do research, Y u making me feel so small, Y I can't do or have certain things, Y I can't be like her, Y I don't understand,  Y I don't know my husband well, Y I have little friends, Y people don't like me, Y they need to stab me, Y can't I do whatever I like, Y must u compare, Y must I be a PROFESSIONAL SSN, Y must u do this to me, Y I can't do it correctly like others, WHY??? Am I so stress?

Just to scream out loud with my inner frustrations!