Monday, March 23, 2015

I am not intelligent

I never being intelligent in my whole 35years old. A better word description is STUPID.

Bel say I never think before I say. I totally agreed what she say but still she hurt my fragile heart unintentional.

I talk before processing my thoughts...which will lead me to unpleasant, bad, scary & even death to me when I do this... almost everyday.



It is a sad monday... Mr LKY has went to another world today.

Someone told me that death is a natural process in a life cycle, the differences are how are I going to die & when will it be.

It is never easy to announce that ur loved one passed away. I had this painful experience last year in 18th May 2014 when my Pa passed away in the hospital & I watched him fade away without being able to take away some of his sufferings & pain. But being able to accompany him by his side, I hope he can forgive me. I cannot forget the day before he become drowsy, he is so alert & able to talk to us. My only wish is he could be pain free & no more sufferings. I remembered that the day when his condition deteriorate & the Dr call us to visit him early. We accompanied him, listen to YouTube together, held his hand & asked him for forgiveness & asked him go peacefully. All I can do is to watch him... walking towards death or a better world without sufferings til the next morning when he is really to go. I was ALONE in the hospital. I thought I could hold my emotions & tears but I didn't.  When he is alive, I never say..."Pa, I love u!"

To tell u the truth, I hated him sometimes BUT for a short while. Being the first child for my parents, I was told my dad did not pick me up when I was discharge from hospital just because I am baby girl. Why? Baby girl is also a gift from heaven & a love gift. Being a eldest & girl was not easy, feel I am not treated fairly. He forget to think about my future.  However, my Pa still dote me, he know I loved bitter durians, crab claw etc & he will reserved for me.

I missed u, Pa... I hope u are in a better place & happy now. Loved YOU.

Be Strong, Lee family.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Wishlists

My Wishlists before u start ur degree...

Watch movie 🎥
Go KTV 📺 to sing sing sing
Marmalade Pantry near turf city for night live band

Temporary wishlists...

New added wishlist

Be a gentle wifey
Cook a meal for LC once in a blue moon.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

About March Me :)

Lately, I am in love with Jigsaw puzzles. Went shopping with hubby at Bugis & I bought a 300pcs Tontoro puzzle- 75% completed. 12.3.15- bought Eiffel Tower 1000pcs puzzles that cost me $43.90; frame not included, at a shop in Velocity recommended by Oliver.

I also signed up for Kickboxing at promotional price- $588 for 24 lessons over 6months. Currently, I still have 1more lesson from Groupon. I find that Kickboxing is fun but tiring. I love the rapid boxing movements, allow me to vent my frustrations. I think I over do it, now my shoulder is still aching after my 2nd lesson. I hope that I won't regret signing up for the lessons for $588. $100 each month & aim to go for 1 class per week. I aim to at least lose 3 kg over the 6months. It is because I am gluton, I love to eat. Currently, my weight is 53kg as of March 2015, my aim is to be 50kg by September 2015. Will I be able to achieve my goal? To be evaluate in September.

Yesterday, I met KPO aunties in the lift & they asked me when am I getting married. My reply to their question is SMILE. She then SAY..."this yr u ALREADY 36 hor, u same age as my daughter hor, faster get married & pregnant, if not difficult!!! My reply was, SMILE & say 37 already!! Inside my heart- mind ur business please. Having a kid is probably every women's wish, duty & ways to prove that u r a woman who has functioning reproductive system. It is like a man should have their own career that proves their abilities. Each man or woman is an unique individual who may or may not fufil their gender assignments. Nevertheless, thank u KPO aunties for ur concern but u all don't need to worry too much for me.

Yesterday, 3rd uncle & auntie invited me & mom to their place for dinner. 3rd auntie commented that my skin is fair & smooth. Then 3rd uncle say, "I think Ah Hwa put on weight that's y her face looks fair & better circulation." Yes, I have gained some weight. Then 3rd uncle say, "Ah Hwa, u got white hair ah?" Yes, I have many white hair. Good observations. Dinner was simple but yummy. Soup & steamed fish. I am going to keep a lookout for the temporary stall that sells the sauce for steaming fish, I liked it. I asked them to cook for me sometimes & I passed $ to them to get the ingredients. They agreed. (* Last night, I dreamt LC went to 3rd uncle house with to have dinner ^.^...funny!)

Pre-BD celebration dinner with Buddies trip friends-W, J, R & I on 13 March 2015. Had my favourite Japanese restaurant set dinner, followed by desserts at TCC. Gossiping sessions... J suppose to be the hot favourite candidate to be promoted to NC but missed. Another candidate, M got it! When M got it, NC OBG called to ask ADN T why J did not get promoted?! J has been a hot favourite & ADN T likes her alot & has intention to promote her. It's all politics la! When ADN T saw J, she said this to her, " M get promoted before u doesn't she is better than U?!" So sad, if I am M & I heard this. Whatever it is, just hear & blog here & not to say this to anybody else if I still want my life & job. Heard from J & W that M is not well liked by ADN T, but I saw with my own eyes before the promotion results is out, M went to see ADN T & they were in good conditions! Scary, all so fake? I also fake sometimes at work to keep myself alive. Sometimes, die also don't what is the reasons. 

Sleepy le...byezzz