Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I am a cry baby👶

Today is Day 2 of Advanced Counselling Course. My ability to understand the course contents was average while others could quickly grasp the essence of the topics. Was abit sad. But I was able to be connected with MSW Genevieve's examples. She said, a client said "I am no good!" That's is my thoughts...I am not good enough! She asked her client, "to whom u feel u r not good enough?" Another example that she give was her mom has Cancer & she was depressed most of the time due to her illness. Her mom went to see a Psychologist & the psychologist asked her..."u were mostly depressed, so there were time that u were not depressed and when?" Genevieve felt that as a counselor, she could not help her mom who has depression, she was sad. I asked a silly 🙋 question....."I am a shy, reserved & quiet person, how do I built a therapeutic relationship with clients who need help? I can't engaged in conversation freely like Joan. My classmate Joan said..." I remembered Ivy was the only one who give everyone a sticker on our group photo, this small simple action make them feel I am genuine & warmth. Then MSW Genevieve say I can be a non-verbal counselor who demostrate my genuine, warmth & silence to be a effective counselor. Maybe...

After class, Genevieve spend a little bit more time with me. As I was telling her my thoughts, emotions flow in & I eventually CRY cos I was feeling guilty towards my dad I did not do my best for him. The only comforting thing I did for him was to be with him during his last bit of journey...I held his hand, hoping he won't be alone during his last moments. I remembered that I was all alone in the hospital thoughout the night, waiting for his suffering to end. And I have no more chance to say this to him anymore..." 爸爸对不起,请您原谅我 和我爱你!" He cannot hear me.

Genevieve comforted & counsel me. Tears cannot stop flowing.

Probably I felt lonely, bottled up my feelings & stressed that I could not hold my emotions anymore.

Thank u Genevieve for being there for me even though I am not your friend. I really feel better after I talked to u & cried😭

Monday, November 17, 2014

It's holiday!

26/10-30/10/14 HK cum Macau trip

My husband has been trying his best to grant my small & big request to make me feel happy. Yes, of course I am happy cos he changed the flight a few times til SQ made him pay "fine" for making so many changes.

26/10: Managed to bring my mom to attend my cousin's wedding at Jurong Chinese restaurant. Of course, my mom was super happy. She even request to wear her treasured gold chain to the wedding. After the wedding ends, he came to pick us up. My mom is the happiest cos she love to take car ride. Our flight is at 8pm. When  Husband took the taxi uncle to stop at Business class... I wonder why? He told me that it is because he is SIA member. Time to board the plane. Feel so shiok that we can like cut queue & enter the Business class tunnel even though I feel pai seh! The seat was spacious so spacious & I have a super Big space. The overall experience was awesome! Thank u husband for pampering me. The meal is also different! We had scallops & the whole meal was nice! Husband observed & told me I was not restlesss. I am like a good kid. Upon reaching to HK, we took cab to hotel via F1 HK taxi! I was so quiet throughout the taxi ride, holding so tight the handle & seat beat was on! Phew! We reached hotel safely & we went to a PUB to watch MANU match via 2nd F1HK taxi even more fierce driver who thought he is singer! Yes, I did the same thing throughout the journey & we did arrived safely. After the match, we took another F1 HK taxi back to check in.

27/10: We took cab to the website recommended Dim Sum to have breakfast before we embark on a shopping journey. The taste of the food was ok la! We went to a specific mall to look for snoppy, I wanted to get something from snoppy stall for Aileen BUT to my horror...Snoppy MUST SEE is like a desserted place, nothing much to appreciate actually. I didn't do my research properly but still I enjoy myself. Set off to another mall to look for the rumoured best Macaroons from this specific mall. Finally bought one box of 7 to satify my craving & curiousity. Husband was disturbed by so many emails & work stuffs! Me too! Finally, we sat down at MacDonald for a nugget lunch meal while husband doing the work stuffs. I am grumbling la! :/ Yes, we went to one my favourite mall to shop. Got what I need in HK even though we have limited time.  Adidas shoe...like at " orange first sight". Stay real top....one for me, one for husband...some favourite snacks etc. Watched a Chinese
 variety show...in China...If u spport against domestic violence.....on 25/11/14... please wear a Orange top.

I am sleepy! To be continue