Sunday, May 25, 2014

Move on!

Went to cat café to relax. I am quite lucky some cats were not sleeping when we went over & I get  to play catching with Jia Jia with the café assistant's help. Ate cheesecake, drink Root beer, bought a Apron @ $25 & a Skittles pin @ $13. See again soon..... :)

Things need to be done or buy:

1) Hair cut for Mom & myself
2) Manicure & Pedicure
3) Facial
4) Threading elbow
5) Oral debate practice on 27/5 @ 4.30-5pm @ Curtin school
6) Debate on 28/5 @9-11am
7) e-Test on Nursing management on 6/6/14
8) Tidy home
9) Iron work clothes
10) Get items: (IKEA 4-6boxes), (Daiso boxes, laundry bag without holes, tidy bags), (5new chairs from Giant), shower gel big & small, table for living room.
11) Watch movieS
12) Go beach for walk walk & cycling
13) Mum's appointment
14) Update passbook
15) Look out for SQ air-tickets to Osaka
16) Get for myself: A top & a long dress, a pair of sport shoe, belt, & buy yummiest snacks & food.
17) Transfer $ to Jessie, pay Bills
19) Apply for MC, AL & compassionate leave & submit medical claim
20) Help brother to register the house under his name & mom's name

That's all for now! Will add on MORE!

Final distination

Dad was admitted to NUH since 1/5/14 for COPD. He stayed in the HD for a few days, can see that his condition is deteriorating & worse than his last admission in Feb this year. He is weaker, frail and he is unable to perform some ADLs. The DEM Dr & inpatient ward Dr has been updating us periodically about dad's condition & possible demise within 3months. We all are of course sad to know this. Mom is also not well due to flu & cough. The worse thing is she is also unable to perform her daily ADLs such as bathing & eating. She could not walk that far & she is tired out easily. We went to d hospital to visit dad whenever we can but it is too tiring. Mom could not stay still for long  & she needs to nap on & off. And dad hopes we can stay as long as possible which is possible at times. I feel bad but this is what I could do within my limits. Sometimes, I feel like I exhausted, all alone & too stressed out.

On 17/5/14, Dr Lawrence who is the usual Dr who updates me regarding my dad's condition called me & told me dad's condition is worsen overnight. He asked me to gather all the relatives to visit my dad. I called my brother & 3rd uncle & told them about it. I missed my management tutorial class & went to NUH with mom. I could sense that dad is fighting his last battle. My 3rd uncle called me & came to visit dad after he learned about his condition. We talked to my dad who is drowsy, unresponsive to call & not opening his eyes to call. I played some oldies song for dad to listen and told him to follow the light if he sees it. He had already suffered so much. I feel he is still very worried about his only son; my brother & my mom. I told mom to tell dad that she already bought 4D numbers that he asked her to buy. Mom tries to wake up dad & asked me why dad did not wake up upon calling, I told her that dad is asleep.

I stayed overnight to keep my dad company. He was febrile & cold compressed was applied. He is on Subcutaneous morphine every 6hours. His heart rate is high, rate of 130bpm, saturation maintained 100% and he is on NBM. I dozed off on and off & wakes up to change his cold compress. His heart rate & SPO2 gradually dropped. Eventually, at 5.30am, I can sensed that he is leaving, I held his hand & told him that brother will take care of mum. I told him to follow the light & go peacefully. He passed away on 18/5/14 @ 0604hrs. He looked peaceful at that moment. When he passed away, I called my brother to inform him & I told my mum that dad has passed away. My mom cried, it's heart-breaking. Then I called my 3rd uncle & husband. I could not speak properly when I called then, it feels like I am choking with my own saliva. I glad my brother, 3rd uncle & husband came down after I have called them. I thought I am prepared for this situation long ago but I am not. It is a relived for dad because there is no more sufferings but I am regret that certain things I have not done for him. For example, bring him to see the Panda; Jia Jia & Kai Kai, talked to him & many others. The casket uncle came down to help us arrange everything. Most of the decision is done my 3rd uncle & brother. When my 3rd uncle asked me if I have $, I say Yes but when he told me, the who funeral may cost 15-20plus thousand, I was in shock. I suddenly was awake & I walked to the casket uncle & told him what I have. He told me it is about 15K.

We went to claim dad's body then change the final death cert for dad at NPC BKP while brother & 3rd uncle go home to prepare the rest. I called town council to apply for permit to use the void deck for the wake for 5days. My 4th uncle also came down to help with the wake preparation. When everything is done, dad is back from embalming & we started to pray. I cried during the process, especially when the casket uncle asked us to say, "you raised me up & I will take care of you when you are old." Gradually, the wake setup is done & my uncle & aunties came. The collection of white gold starts & I hold the key of the safe box.

It is not easy for me as a eldest daughter, I got to keep all the white gold & making sure the amount is correct & safe. There is so many opinions from the uncles & aunties, I don't know whose advice to take. I just keep quiet nodded & answer PRN. The uncle who arrange the purchase of dad's Condo came & my 3rd & 4th uncle say, I don't need to go to chose the condo. I am abit upset, why? Just because I am daughter? My brother will chose but at least I should see where is the condo location. I told my 3rd uncle, the condo uncle says need to pay NETS & brother doesn't have the NETS card therefore I need to go but he doesn't believe me. I just keep quiet then I told him to ask the condo uncle if pay cash then I will pass the $ to brother & I don't go. The condo uncle told my 3rd uncle that need to pay by NETS then I was allowed to go. Just don't understand their thinking. Daughter is also my dad's child, it is just that I am a female!

After  have paid for everything, the balance $ was deposited accordingly. Husband was right, should write all the expenses down, because my brother &  relative will read through.

All this upsets me but I am blessed with a husband who is always there for me, endure for me & advice me. He comes every evening to help me, even though sometimes there are not so nice comments from my uncles & aunties, he just swallowed everything down for me. Feels heart ache sometimes to see that. THANK YOU. I am really happy, no matter what others say, YOU always there for me. I always showed him all my monkey faces, probably it is a way that I vent out.

For the past 5days 4nights, I slept for about 3-4hours.
Strange things happened to me..
1) saw a greyish cat outside our house, she stared at me & I looked at her & then she ran away.
2) saw a moth/ butterfly outside our house & it fly away when I came back home.
3) the greyish cat came into our house on Fri night while brother was watching soccer, I heard my brother scream & I thought he screamed "GOAL" & I came out to check & he told there is a cat ran into our house. I did not believe him at first, both of us is so timid & we called our bold mom to settle. I followed behind mom to get the cat out of our house.
4) Saw a moth at the lift area.
5) Dropped & broke my moisturizer & lost my SK eye cream. Heart ache but luckily left minimum amount.

I am just TIRED after the whole event. I woke up with my leg cramped & painful on Fri.

24/5/14; my 3rd uncle came over to tell my brother to go housing board with my mom to register the house under his name. That's my dad's wish when he is alive. So I told my brother that all the PUB, TOWN COUNCIL bills to change under his name. I probably help to pay for PUB bills & ask brother to pay for town council. Gradually hand over the responsibilities to brother. My mom, I will continue to take care, bring her for Dr's follow up.