Sunday, October 20, 2013

getting SICK!

I had some coffee milk n multi-grain bread at 6.30am then I fasted til 5pm! My hands were trembling while I gobble down my balanced coffee milk. My only wish was my Husband smooth ride wish came true and he waited patiently with a packet of warmed Chicken rice. I wanted to SMS him not to scold me cos I'm way to hungry, dehydrated and my left hand hurts. We are truly understaffed, we r over-worked and tired.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Define Me(*>.<*)

I'm monkey Gal o(╯□╰)o.
Already got my UPDATED version NRIC.
I don't save money BUT I spend money ::>_<:: p="">I behaves like a kid but acts like an adult depending what type of people I'm dealing with.
I'm shy in nature but only when u 1st know Me.
I don't have alot of friends.
I'm super BLUR, lives in my own world with my NICI family members who knows my very well, I bully them alot but they forgives me for what I do to them.
(⊙o⊙) hahhaa..... I raised my hand to flag down a bus 120 that cannot send me home without thinking, luckily there's someone who is boarding the bus. LOL!
I love to roam around like a Dog.
I've no talent in studying BUT I'm doing it currently. I can't remember, my brain can't process info, poor English etc. Let's pray that I cleared it by June 2014. It's a chance that so many ppl fight for me.
My Zodiac seek balance or Fairness.
I love to eat yummiest latest fav is Figs, fried lotus root, currently no stock in hand. I love to eat Udon, rice is currently fav main.
I'm a sleep cat who loves to laze around and sleepy devil is always in my body. But sometimes I can't sleep well.
I'm fierce to my certain people with or without reasons.
I'm a lazy monkey.
I rely on my Husband for quite alot of stuffs.

Things that I wanna do:

I want to but textbook for next semester.
Buy a nice dress.
Cook a yummiest meal for hubby.
Pack my stuffs.
Send my winter clothes for dry cleaning.
Buy 1pair of track shoe...thinking of yellow color.
Buy 1pair of nice Heels.
Do Pedicure, Medicare in Dec or during my leave.
Cut hair.
Go massage.
Go facial.
Of course, I need to wotk up a keep FIT, lose WT schedule.
F/U with TCM Yee Feb 2014.
Pass my exams.
Learn a new skill after July 2014.
Travel 2 countries in 2014.
Complete my bond in July 2015.
Change job after July 2015 or just stay?! I can't be NC-_-|| cos need alot efforts to fight againSt politics, and many challenges. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

It is already OCTober?!

Time really worked hard, passes quickily every second, minutes, hours, days & month and almost d year 2013 is coming to an end already. I'm so far...I'm old again by one year & I've not accomplished anything. Today, one exam paper down, one more to go on Thursday. I'm super nervous today, think probably I can get like 10/30. I think I wrote rubbish, as much as I can remember. But my essay + presentation, I already got 35.27+19=54.27/100; so if I manage to get 10marks today, means in total I'll have 64.27/100; which means instead of one "D"og, I get a "C"at! Well, all I ask is a Pass. Next paper on Thursday, FHC-essay+presentation: 19.5+34=53.5/100; so I already passed. I shall aim for 15/30 then in total I will get 67.5/100; means I get a "C"at(+).

Today, I received a wonderful gift from Wenfeng & the boys, It's my favourite... photo frames with pictures & deco with my favourite stickers!  LOVE it!