Saturday, August 31, 2013


My favourite tibits: Sun dried Figs, "wan wan" biscuit, nature's wonders baked macadamia nuts.

My favourite food: Liang court Udon with deep fried jap sweet potato, Ichiban croquette & Pepperone pizza.

My favourite drink: Mango yugurt drink, milk tea & Starbucks.

My latest NICI edition: Red autumn lady bug, Stinky. In total, I have 14 NICI friends in punggol.
My favourite month of the year 2013: September! Y?? It is because.....It's my birthday month! My husband's birthday month! It's Pigsy & Anne's birthday month! My husband already given me alot of presents Lo! "Permanent" hair removal treatment to my upper lip & half leg! So cool right? Even though he say he don't mind it BUT......for u to fill up the blanks! Braun Buffel pouch! My latest NICI friemds! What else? Oh ya!!! I am on leave for 2weeks! Even though I am super busy with my mum's, my dad's & my auntie appointment! I am going for a super short trip to BKK for 2D1N with Belinda & Anne! Hope they can accommodate my "slowness", sleeping pattern & child-like behaviour!

Birthday wisheS?! Well, ,my wishes are to be healthy, good health for everyone less wrinkles, more wisdom, no pain, happy go lucky, less bad mood, less tantrum, eat good food BUT don't get FAT so easily, happy at work, happy in school, pass my assignments, presentation & of course EXAM, husband many many sayang me & listen to me, husband got excellent job opportunities & LESS stress factors etc...many many more, can't stop listing down. Oh ya, not forgetting good sleep & good appetite! LOL:) Too many, O guess God is too finish granting my WisheS!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

spot d difference!

Chubby hubby texted me while he is on business trip in US. I'm going to give you a surprise when I come back from US, wear short okay. I was looking forward and keep guessing what is it?

One day while I was ironing my uniform, I saw an advertisement on permanent hair removal. A thinking light bulb was like *ting*; maybe hubby bringing me go "remove my hairy hairy" since I told him that was one of my wish.

12/8/2013- I'm a happy gal...hubby woke up early & cold Vietnam's Pho as breakfast for us. Then we set off to my planned surprise! Yes, I'm right! He bought to Lynn Dr's clinic to do permanent hair removal for me! I was (⊙o⊙)! D kind Dr did my "小胡子 " removal for  FOC! It was a "wow" experience for me! I still can smell d "burnt" smell when I reach home. Lol! It was nice without facial hair but at d same time I feel weird! It's very expensive!

Dear hubby, Thank you! Spot d difference!