Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Everyday, without fail my mom will scold my dad at least no matter if it's his fault anot. It's just her daily routine for my mom. I always tell my dad, it his debt he own my mom so he has to endure this everyday til d day he return back to his original place where he came from. As for me, it's also my daily must handle & listen debt too! I don't know how much longer I can handle this before I breakdown & do something out of d box to escape all this. I don't know how long my Hübby can understand my situation. "Luckily" I'm married without traditional wedding if not..."Luckily" I don't have any kid. "Luckily" I'm scared of death. "Luckily" there's so many wonderful food, shopping & NICI friends that keep me going. "Luckily" I'm abit responsible person. If there's no "luckily" I probably be...I don't know what I be? Hübby came to pick me up for dinner after his hard work BUT I made him waited for half an hour & den I called him to go back. If I were him...I would be angry😡 for at least for sometime, ask me to wait & ask me to go & NO DINNER!!! I also feel very bad & throw tantrum at dad for not allowing me to go out! Ahhhh... 3rd uncle came to our house to ask if our house got mom's name anot? If not, if dad got anything happen den d house will lost. If don't have mom's name, must ask dad quickly transfer his name under brother's name before anything happen. Of course, I already know that this house will never be under my name so I don't expect anything. Now den I truly feel that I should hv some saving cos anything can happen. What if Hübby can't stand my family situation & can't continue monkey contract, who am I going to depend on. Aiyoyo...if got saving but what if oneday I mati den didn't spend my money den wasted hor!

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