Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bad habits

Almost after every afternoon shift, I reached home at 11pm & wants to go till full before I sleep :( greedy piglet. No wonder; Belinda says that me & LC got " Fu Qi Lian"means my face is getting "rounder & rounder" No! I dun want free membership to "Pui Pui" club! I want to join "slim slim" lady clan! Hahhaa......

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Second night shift...18/11/11
Running late cos of traffic Jam, rush to take MRT & wanted to take cab BUT!!! Finally comfort taxi SH 8504 T came & I told him that I wan to go SGH Blk 4 & he say " SGH?!!! It's so near, u can't walk ah?!  what ?! (angel Monkey's yr punishment for being so lazy!) BUT!!! I'm late that's y I want to take cab so tat I can reach a few mins earlier without sweating like a ! Evil monkey rationale; hello! I'm a customer & I'll pay u cab fare! When we reach D destination- only cost $3.20; I give him $10 & he say "No small change ah?! " Stupid me still tell him, I got $0.20. Whatever la! I jus go work so I told him, jus give me back $6!!! Den I alighted d cab & SLAM d door to vent out my anger!

monkey says " nvm, he will get what he deserved.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Events in October 2011


It's August & Christina's BIG day!! Liping & myself is invited to be her "sisters", we arrive at her house at 0800hrs. I was shocked to see her Husband to be at home in his causal clothes. Then I realise that they have did their traditional ceremony in JB already & they are only inviting us to her tea ceremony & wedding banQuet. We helped out in the tea ceremony & night event.


It's my Cousin's wedding!! I went to attend d wedding with my 3rd uncle & auntie & my brother cos my dad say he doesn't want to go cos he feels "SOB". D wedding is held at Calton hotel, 2nd floor! I saw my relatives & say HI only cos it has been so long since we socialise, somehow i feel like they r stranger to me. The couples r so beautiful, their wedding photo album is very beautiful NICEI I loved her wedding gown, so Princess!!

OMG!! So embarrassing cos my Stupid OLD shoe SPOILT!! Damn!! Have to find ways to repair it, ask d waitress for rubber band BUT they don't have ah!! Luckily d manager found some tape & I repaired it so that I can finish d event!

We left before D dessert is served again!! Goodbye Mango sago :(