Friday, August 19, 2016

Silly goose VS Scary cat 😻 VS Cry baby VS I am nothing

Am I a scary cat or cry baby? U shall be the judge yourself after u have read my blog.

Round 1 (Silly)

2.8.16- My classmate D approached me via sms to help her by taking over her journal presentation on 18.8.16 as she was scheduled for a course that crashes with the presentation. She tried to ask everyone from the next month till end of the year but they are unable to. Sister Y ask her to check with the staff that are rotated next year to see if they can help.. I said I am not confident if I can find & prepare within a short time frame. Silliest me said yes cos she said there is no one whom she can change with. Why me? I only ask that question when I say OK to her & I have only 16 days to prepare!!!

Round 2 (Scary)

Was trying to prepare after I have chosen a journal as I am not confident or rather not that interested with the journal my classmate D offered me. 16 days to prepare a journal presentation was rather not that enough time for me cos I am a slowbie & sudden. Anyway, have to do it! 16.8.16 Approached R for help to interpret some of the items in the journal that I have chosen. Advised given by APNi R was not to present things I  not confident. 17.8.16 - Saw Sister Y, asked her for mercy on 18.8.16. And then finally, 18.8.16 Thursday came & I got to present whatever I have on hand. Managed to fake through my presentation.

Round 3 (Cry)

Was doing follow up call in the morning before I go clinic but all 3 patients did not answer the call. Then at 11.55am, I received a call from the 3rd patient and after I greeted he hang up the phone. I realized is the 3rd patient that I have called & I quickly call back. It started off well until I ask him how much water he is taking & he say he drink whenever needed. My responsibility button was pushed... Uncle T, u know ur medical conditions & I am sure the nursed & Dr's have emphasize the importance of fluid restrictions. Then he said. .. "sorry to interrupt & he started to comment that the Dr did not show & explain the findings of Angiography & TTE performed on him. And he started to compare the treatment given to him many years ago in US. I don't know which smart aleck change my insulin dosing, now I am regulating my insulin dose & I checked my H/C TDS... blah blah blah... I was like excuse me, I am the Dr who did u medications adjustment, u should have discuss & make request during ur stay. He even asked me, I am not making things difficult for u, am I? Suddenly, 7th month error happen, the line was cut off & as usual I was saying hello...hello... & waited for the other party to respond. Eventually the line was cut off. In less than 30seconds, he called & asked me Y I cut off the line??!!! I told him, I did not though my heart was thinking please end this call ASAP. He said harshly to me- u r like a recording machine, dictating whatever is needed, if u do not have the answers to my questions then Y u waste ur time to call me? Tears is in eyes, waiting to roll down, my voice was choked & I have to apologize for making his day bad. Immediately after I put down the call, I can't control my tears, I cried & walked straight to the toilet & cried! Why do I have to endure such nonsense? I am just doing my job, hoping to five my patients advice via phone to prevent admission. I felt relieved after I cried but at peace cos I felt I did nothing wrong except picking up or even thinking of calling him. Throughout the conversation, he just blah blah blah all his thoughts but did not give me chance to interrupt. Another lesson learned through today's experience. I am lack of organising whatever I want to say, people can't understand my intention even if it's good or bad. Even though crying infront of my colleagues showed my weakness but I can't care that much. Thank you Uncle T for helping me to relief my stress that was bottled up for some time. I am like a soda, if u shake too much, I will spill.

Thank you my little 小情人 C for visiting me & to cheer me up on this gloomy TGIF.

Round 4

I am nothing at all.
In this world, 黑吃黑, ζΆεŠΏεŠ›ε½“ι“ζ—Ά, 你也εͺθƒ½δ½Žε€΄, people will bully the weak to aid them climb higher. I thought I could have friends & colleagues who will help each other but I am begining to doubt if this type of situations do exit? Do u that feel that I am a potential threat to u? Actually nobody will feel that I am a threat to them by analyzing me. I am nothing. All I want is peace, world peace, do whatever I can within my limits. Is this my destiny - very few family or friends support at home & at work? Or simply my retribution? I am sadden by ur actions at times. I should reflect my part 1st & what I am lacking of? El

At work, u really need to learn up everything, all rounder so that nobody can bully u. Why did u bang the table when it's my 1st time? Don't u have 1st time? It's your job scope & my job scope is not to do ur job. Felt so bullied! I will gradually learn up. U may have many chance to bully me but eventually ur chances will decrease.

I am not worthless but I am priceless. If u can't appreciate who I am then be impartial at work, don't vent ur frustrations on me even if I did not do it properly cos I did not go through the same training or routine as u did. Probably we just not fated to work together. Yes, u did successfully affect me with ur actions & I am indeed very upset with u & definitely myself for being so incompetent & need to rely on u.

When ur husband is sick, stressed, full of challenges ahead... what I can do is to be quiet & enjoy my own time.  Sorry, I can't do much for you when u sick but being independent is what I can do for u. Get well soon & smooth work flow.

Round 5 (Sick)

August- I already took 2 days of MC! Last week, I felt sick suddenly & vomited my $5 worth of silly porridge with side dishes. This week I am sick again, coughing.
Sometimes, I wonder if they meant what they say?
Ms P saw me one day, she said to me, u took 2 days of MC this month. I replied yes, I was not well,down with viral. Ms P then asked, Y my colleague is wearing mask, did u spread to the office? I just keep quiet cos who am I to comment Y my colleague wear mask? Being sick is not my intention also! I can't feel ur care & concern instead I feel u r like doubting my character or doubting the Dr who diagnose me? To be honest, I hate to pretend that I can't care much what u have said. Without me in the team, they can still work perfectly also. I hope I just misunderstood ur good intention.

Please don't make me suffer if I need to go & submit my IC forever. I have nothing to worry when I die. My mom still has a son. My husband still has his work & game.

Hope everyone is blessed with good health.

Round 6 (PM)

I have a pig & monkey whom I can disturb still. Haha πŸ˜‚
Thank you.

Yeah!!! LCW WON again LD. Both players r great sport men but I wanted LCW to win. So HAPPY FOR HIM.

Time to stop, time to rest & get better.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Happy Birthday

Happy 51th Birthday SINGAPORE on 9.8.2016!!!

Celebrating Singapore 51th Birthday at home via watching TV- impressive Olympics games, National Day Parade is a MUST SEE, eat- Fish porridge, fried chicken wings, potato croquettes & SLEEP 😴!!!

Boring!!! Haha πŸ˜‚
PH is ending...

Wishing Singapore- A prosperity, happiness & love love love Singapore!!!