Sunday, July 17, 2016

Project Groom Over 16.7.2016

It's been a long time since I last blog cos I am too busy & lazy!

1/10 part of the requirement of PPA aka Personal Performance Appraisal is Volunteering work! Are you thinking WTH? This year, I took part in Singhealth Project groom over after some ups & downs during the enrolment. First, I was add in member as my monkey friend thought she needed 8 pax per group, however in actual fact, she only need 7 pax so I was rejected. Then she got dropout in her group due to work commitment so I was once again approached by my monkey friend & I say YES!!

Finally, the day came & I wasn't too prepared but luckily I bring my long glove.

When I reached the house that we are going to work on that day .. my monkey ๐Ÿ™ˆ nose smelled pungent "cat shit or stale blood like mensus or dead cat" when I knocked on the door from outside!! Wild thoughts came to my monkey brain & I told myself I might be wrong, maybe next door LA!  Then I knocked twice before uncle answered us & open the door. I was proven right immediately when uncle open his door. As I walked in the house, my eyes was popping out & wild thoughts came to me again. I saw bed & pillows has blood stains. I am left with no choice & I have to clean up before I leave the house. (Normally, I am not observant at all!) I chose to be the painter, while we move the bed out... I saw so much weird stuffs... is it is it Bed BUGS???!!! Why we so lucky???

In this 1 room flat, there r 2 uncles staying in that house but one uncle is not at home.

Then got a English speaking auntie neighbor came over to complain to us the uncle house got BED BUGS not BEG BUDS!!! Of cos, our capable leader handle the English speaking auntie like a PRO but that auntie even want  us to check the electric cables!??? WTF? She was telling my monkey leader that only one uncle lives in that house, so the uncle who open the door for us is telling us he stays with a imaginary friend? Ghost ah!!!

I was not brave enough to clear the BED BUDS cos I very scare moving bugs! They found many!!! I tried to clean the kitchen in scary mode. The whole pail of water is filled with BED BUGS dead bodies! Horrifying moments but I tell myself just do what I can for the uncle!

The 7 of us spend about 4hours to clean the whole house, not 100% clean but at least 100% better than before we start cleaning. We used bleach to bleach the house, call the organisers to help uncle to call MSW in charge of uncle to get pest control to wipe out the BED BUGS!!

A lot of thoughts running through my tiny monkey ๐Ÿ™ˆ brain for this experience!
1. I am definately a fortunate unfortunate monkey cos at least I have Chubby hubby, my naughty mom & friends. I am gainfully employed. I enjoy good food & I get to travel.
2. People always thought Singapore has no poor people, they r totally wrong!
3. Will my brother end up like uncle one day? We never know what's our fate like in future..
4. Heard from that English speaking auntie that uncle has a son who visits him once in a blue moon but hack care him. Is this our life predestined? We never know why uncle's life ended up in this way? Is it because he did something terribly wrong that even his son didn't care for him? Is it because uncle wanted his life to be in this way?
5. I never never wanted my life to be like uncle. This volunteer work makes me understand that a lot of things can't be forced! Having a kid doesn't mean my life won't be like uncle, so I have decided that I do not need a kid or a animal to keep me company.  Everyone of us will die on day, I can't leave my burdens when I am died.
6. Be thankful for every brand new day & able to see the sun again & again. Be contented for everything we have now, we can't have everything in this world to make us happy. Be kind even to people who wanted you to be miserable cos they are miserable themselves to make us miserable. Be happy ๐Ÿ˜Š, smile; I always say "Happy also one day,  not happy also one day, then why not being happy?!" Be Dory, forget the bad & remember the good!
7. Don't be shy to express your love, say "I love you" with a big hug to cheer your loved ones cos you never know when is the last "I love you" for them.
8. This is the MOST IMPORTANT one- BE HEALTHY!!!

After the event ended, we went back to NHCS to bath cos I found 2 BED BUGS on my monkey friend! I am so afraid to bring them home!

Thoughtful chubby hubby came to pick me up for high tea cos pass lunch time. We has high tea at Great World City at Crystal Jade Xiao Long Bao at 3.30pm. Can you imagine, a hungry man is a angry man! Indeed, Dory stepped on his tail & he was almost ๐Ÿ’ฃexplosion happened. I feel wronged ๐Ÿ˜ง High tea was good, I am full & recharged. Then we went to get birthday gift for baby Chloe. Attending baby Chloe's BD celebration. So envy our friend who have great families & friends. I know my in-laws & chubby doesn't favors kid so finally I came to some sense & thoughts that I do not need to have a kid cos I won't be able to have such family support like others. Probably, my predestined fate is little family & friends support. Without a kid might be a better choice. Chubby hubby was right from the start, I am really a no plan, no brain Dory fish!

I am done with my random nonsensical blog thoughts!

Be happy, be thankful, be healthy, be kind & smile cos nothing is better than being Dory!