Sunday, April 17, 2016


Have anyone heard about ACP? ACP means advanced care planning, which mean to plan in advance of your wishes before u r incapable of making sounded decisions. Most people are reluctant or does not see the need to discuss about this topic. However, ACP is really important to ease your next of kin burden of being responsible to what they have decided on ur behalf when u do not have the ability to make the decision. 

My wishes if I lost my capabilities to make sound decisions if I am critically or terminally ill. 

1. I do not want active management if my prognosis is bad.
2. Donate whatever organs that is suitable person under the HOTA law. ( I am definitely scare of pain but when I left this world, it means my soul have left & what is left behind is only a body. Do do worry, I do not feel pain anymore after I left this world for good) 

3. I do not need a grand last goodbye. There are many reasons, these includes: I do not have many friends (NICI friends not included). The last goodbye ceremony is too expensive. I just need some simple time with dear all before I have to go to a different world. 

To be continue because of I am sleepy.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

I am little Durian aka 小榴莲

Amanda played a interesting game with me on Friday while we have our dinner at "Chir Chir" at Chinatown point after our coincident meet up at the gym.

Her question was " think of a fruit that best describe u!"

My answer was "durian".

Durian is regarded by many people in Southeast Asia as the "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk.

What do u think?