Sunday, January 3, 2016


Sometimes, I should have listen to Hubby for advice or else sometimes the ending might be ugly. Yesterday, Hubby asked me to call uncle 3 to ask him if he wants to order the Dining table & mattress but lazy me didn't do what he advices me. So today, Uncle 3 called me & sounded angry that I didn't call them. My Sunday morning started out not so good, nevertheless I have did some service recovery. I ordered the dining table & the mattress to be delivered on 20.1.16, just in time before CNY. Of cos, I also ordered my TV 📺 finally & they will deliver on 10.1.16. Bonus, almost gone after fixing the window for the whole flat. Sianz. .. now have to work hard for the next 6months before the next bonus can say "Hi" to me.

Hubby also wasn't too happy with me cos I many mafan, ask him to pick up mom for lunch. I am thankful that he could do what I ask but I dare ask for too much. So after he send us back, I went back to BKP to get some groceries then take taxi home.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday is coming to an end so quickly. The "Emo-Me" came back to disturb me. I just have to endure & work for the next 4 weeks & then I am going for 1 week leave, away from work.

Sweet dreams to me, rest well & work diligently for the next 6 days.

Hubby on 2 weeks leave away from me. Take care.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hi 1.1.2016, welcome!

Today, we went to Lido to watch "Star Wars".

Lunch- Pho Pork ball for me & beef combination for LC.

Dinner- indecisive, end up we bought 4fingers.

PH just gone without realising!