Monday, June 30, 2014

Another change!

Yes...yup...I did...I am the new HF nurse joining the team on 16.6.2014. Within a year, I have change my Job role twice. I have been to CTSICU from 27.1.14- 15.6.2014, I like it there cos I have learned new things & made new friends but opportunity came & I took it. Ya...I have to been to another unknown world to explore if I could survive anot. I am not a quick learner & I am abit lazy. Yes, I have got a good preceptor & 2familiar colleague & a soft spoken supervisor. My preceptor printed all the necessary reading materials, polices & procedure, teaching materials, going through the work flow with me. However, within a small department there is still politics. I can feel ARROWS aiming at my chest & peanut brain after attending the 1st NSCU meeting. Pay minus $350 next month. Sometimes, I wonder if I have made the right choice? I cannot request my off days on weekdays. But I get to off  weekends off except that I have to work one saturday every month. I work 8-5pm every day except 8-6pm for 3Mondays every month. I cannot meet my friends who worked 7-4pm. But I have regular working hours & my bowel movement is now regular...I have to go every got feel le but got traffic jam. Damn! Of course, I learned new things at this new department medications, presentation of case to Dr...haiz...Dr Sim pulled my right ears infront of so many ppl because I have inform him late for one of the case that I missed. Attended CCP meeting, self introduced myself with name is Bee Hwa...then can't remember what I say le. My supervisor & Boss Sim add on. Hope for the best.

D&D on 22.6.14...The theme is cross cultural...I have attempted to loan Myammar clothes from Khine but I have very poor judgement. Khine is only 40kg & I am could I fit her clothes? Crazy me but luckily managed to loan from Mya. Ya...I am late for the event again as usual despite I am off. Yes, I am sad but nothing can be done. It was a boring night for me. After the event, we fetched Anne for a impromptu supper cos dinner was not that nice. We ate ice-cream prata, chicken wing & tea. Almost got fined by LTA but luckily Anne was quick to inform us.

Finally booked my SQ flight tickets @ $1040. Luckily cos now left with $1270. I can use the $ that I saved to buy more cute stuffs. LOL...Looking forward but at the same time worried about my mom, hope everything goes well. In one weeks time...I am flying alone to Osaka to meet Ms Pro & Walla to go to Kyoto. Hope they like Kyoto like me.