Saturday, November 30, 2013

Last day of November already!

Times flies! It's already November already. Started my 2nd Trimester of Degree in Nursing. I'm excited but also stressed! 1month passed & I'm going to have my first E-test for ICP module. Still struggling, trying to focus & understand what I've read! 30MCQs, 15%.   

Because of this E-test & HA class, I can't go travel! Very depressed, angry & alone! 

29/11/13- feel like crying. Don't want to go work! No travel during my last slot of leave in Dec, doing nothing that I like on my leave! Feel abandoned! Don't want to talk but I can't because I got to work! Feel miserable, sad & angry! The worst thing is that I did not bring my stocking, feel so naked. Went to "Cheers" to buy but they don't sell...more depressed! But luckily Kak Mas has spare stocking to give it to me :) I was so looking forward to end my shift but I end up going late but I managed to buy the medicine that I need & fill up claim form to claim my holiday. 

28/11/13- Husband attempted to cheer me up by pickimg me up from work, bought me 12cupcakes & Jason Wu Melissa Owl Limited shoes. I was happy. But what I want is to go travel with him.

I am determined to plan a trip alone next year once I have completed my Degree. No need to be long. Maybe 3D2N to start with.