Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 1st week of Annual Leave :)

It's my 3rd slots of leave in 2013. It's wonderful :)

I went to Kyoto with Hubby while he go to work. On the 1st day when we reach Osaka, no train & no bus to Kyoto. It is because there is typhoon. We had sushi. We deposited our luggage bags in the locker. I get to Universal Studio Japan :) I spent most of my time in the shops. It's Halloween & we get to see nice parade, & some Halloween ghost walking around. After that, we came to Osaka airport to check out if we can get any bus or train tickets. Luckily, there's no typhoon & we manage to go Kyoto via bus. I'm so happy. Hubby get to go work & I get to enjoy in Kyoto. After we check in, we go for a late dinner. I loved their Gyoza & Ramen was delicious :) The Park Royal Hotel was at a good location, so near to NIshiki market but their bed is not my best liking.

Day 2 morning, I'm suppose to go breakfast with hubby but I can't wake up. I was tired, sleepy & no strength. Eventually, I manage to wake up at 9am & went for hotel breakfast at 9.30am. The breakfast is very Jap feel. Of course, I ate my favourite bread with butter & blueberry. Went back to room at 10am & prepare to go Nishiki market to shop. Surprise, Hubby came back at 11am when I almost ready to go out. He came back to accompany me to Nishiki Market while his Boss give him some free time. Of course, very happy & we had a nice simple lunch :) I'm struck in few shop, their stuffs are so nice. Hence, I can't help but stay very long in some shops. Hubby rushed back to hotel to get ready for work again while I continue to shop. Bought some super nice socks & tights from Tabio. I'm loving it, I should have buy MORE. It is all so lovely, an eye-opened experience for me to see so many things in the NIshiki Market. I went to Diamaru but the items are all so expensive. I only get a umbrella & 1 apple juice. I went back hotel to rest. I took a short nap before I set off to conquer another shopping mall. Hubby came back again whilst I taking a nap. Luckily, his boss do not need him to go back to work. We went to the LOFT to shop...I Love this shopping mall cause they have all the items that I like. I told my Hubby, "Can U ask them not to sell this anot?" After that, we went to eat my favourite Udon with fried brinjal, prawn & sweet potato.

Time passed so's already Day 3, we went for NIshiki market to eat yummiest pancake with lots of fresh spring onion. Last minute shopping before we check out at 12pm & too cab to Kyoto station. Hubby bought the train tickets & deposit out baggage before we go shopping & food. Loved their Isetan. Not enough time for me to do slow shopping. Regret for not getting a nice cardigan which is expensive. I did not want to miss my train so I was quite discipline to follow the time allocated for me. Finally reached Osaka Airport to check in then go look for dinner. The eel rice, Udon & fried chicken was super nice. The Eel taste so fresh.

Goodbye Osaka & Kyoto! Thank you hubby for bringing me along to Japan. I enjoyed myself!!!
Hubby asked me, "If I can only chose 1item for him to buy?" I would say help me buy "Tights" from Isetan or Tabio.


BKK trip with Anne & Belinda for the first time. I was abit worried that they will "kill me" because I'm so mafan & slow when we shop. Luckily, I was not too bad. We took MRT from airport to the nearest train stop to our hotel. Too bad, BKK rains when we reached BKK station & I got to carry my black luggage bag to avoid any mishap. We had nice salad, crepe, pad thai etc. After that, we went crazy at Platinum mall & we bought quite a lot of stuffs. We went to my favourite central world to shop at Melissa & Naraya. They bought me 1pair of expensive shoe & I bought one for myself :) super happy! We went back to hotel discreetly to unload our purchases before we set off to Chinatown BKK. I am secretly smuggle in to avoid paying extra. We had yummiest food & bought some local snacks.

We woke up at 7am (BKK time) & set off at 8am to do our last shopping before we set off to airport. Belinda was frustrated & I'm stressed because I can't remember the pudding location at central world. Luckily, we manage to find it, if not !!! ( for u to imagine!)  After we check out, we went shopping again before we go back to airport via MRT. We carried the bag to MRT.

When we reached Singapore, Belinda left first with her hubby & kid. I accompany Anne to buy Liquor while her hubby waiting for her finish her shopping at duty free. I took CAB home & it cost me $59! OMG, to make it worse, Cab uncle brakes very often & I almost want to PUKE in his prestige CAB! Overall, if u asked my if it's a rush trip? I would say, "YES!" but still I enjoyed myself.

LOOKING FORWARD to my next trip. Time to decide my 2014 AL slots.


Had a nice dinner with Weide, Meilan & Priscilla at VIVO BORNGA Korean restaurant. It was expensive but the taste was not too bad. Thank you for your time & company.

Missing person: Soon Pore because he is SICK!.