Tuesday, March 26, 2013

While I was working my last night...I'm hoping NO admission, no complications & a safe night. Then deep in my ♥, I wished that hubby will come fetched me to have breakfast & home sweet home...(=^.^=)...yes...my wish came true! I was so happy, get to eat all my favourite food with my favourite hubby was so blessed!

RD *^O^*
Hubby came to pick me up for yummiest lunch at BKP... ramen! Buy Oz biscuits, buy my fav herbal jelly milk tea 30% but silly me bought expensive items...O_o.Went back to punggol & rest. Then went to watch "The Croods "...♥♥♥♥..."Tatata... ↖(^▽^)↗" Prior movie session, went to my favorite bookshop den eat yummy dinner...my fav "Yang Zhou fried rice", duck & soup.

Discussed a "stew-pig" mistress even...or rather my new nickname is "Ms Excuses ". I get to know myself a little bit more...nv fails to beat around d bush & nv get to d point, so many excuses, doesn't have rationale when talk or do things, doesn't bother to find out d procedures...haizZ... I just hope for world peace mah! Just keep everything to myself & won't get into troubles.

DOo>_Got hubby into trouble... LATE!
Sighed... but still he bring OZ & Ivy to ECP to take a walk. I loved it cos it's so relaxed!
After send OZ home...hubby send me to sch to sign contract den sent me home!
Hello gals out there... are u all jealous & envious of me?...But sorry gals...he is TAKEN!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Whenever Daddy is back from his business trip...I'm sure to get presents ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
This time...I've got port wine & Moscato, Coach blue bag, magnets, Tiffany bracelet & Daddy .back safely. I'm super happy to receive so many presents at one go...