Friday, October 26, 2012

I've no idea :(

I've no idea...I bought so many things that I like but nv make use of d items & they are all left in d cold freezing palace :( sadly, they waited patiently for this evil mistress to remember them :( However, their fate still didn't change cos their evil mistress is giving them away for free to do charity & same went back to cold freezing palace again :( I wonder y I wanted to buy them in d 1st place! Sorry pals...hope u can find better mistress to lov u all! Those who r still in the cold freezing palace...please hang on !

Monday, October 8, 2012


7 October 8.35am

Happiest monkey in d world

My hubby came to fetch me & waited for me then bring me to Tiong bahru for breakfast!!! $3 vegetarian bee hoon mee, Lor Mee, Tau Kee & Ribena :):):) 
 Lalala....who is like me so fortunate?