Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I've spend my whole afternoon trying to take good care of my dementia customer! I almost USED up my patience that I've bring to Wk! He didn't forget his daily "sweets", favorite wifey & family members etc!!! He smiledwhen I ask him about he & his wife Löve story! So cütë & swëet!! I tried many ways & making sure that my dementia customer is SAFE in my hands! It's quite tiring but they r Cute & they hv lotsa fun stories to share!

He reminded me of my Hubby's 阿公 when I probably met him when I'm in poly Yr 3 for dinner! That yr, after class, we went to Tampines to pick up 阿公 but Hubby "caught" 阿公"playing" wif his watches & I remembered Hubby serious facial expressions while asking 阿公 to give him back d watches! (Hehee...Hubby didn't change after all these Yr & I've takeover 阿公's role!!) We(me, Hubby & Stephanie (can't remember is there's any other pple). ordered kidney mee suA & while waiting for d food to come..... 阿公repeatedly asked me tis Question..."where do u stay?!" Smart 阿公have already predicted that I'm his future granddaughter -in-law! Hahaa...many many thick skin

Friday, February 18, 2011

Moody ör Sick?!

I'm just otw home after work! So tired, troubled, sleepy & so many negative feelings! What's wrong with me?! Am I sick or just moody?!
A advanced diploma student ask me..." r u alright? U look sick!" I answered her...."errmm....no!" Can't help feeling helpless at times! Don't know what I want?! Don't know how to rectify my problem!

Thursday, February 17, 2011