Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wish came true

Daddy bring me to eat CRAB & eat it wif me with his Bare hands!!! Wow....monkey Tan need to Blog it proudly to remember this SpeciAL day(170110). So touched!!! D crab taste so sweet & fresh!

Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm living aimlessly?! No aim/plans/goal....just repeating d same routine everyday & sometimes regrets for not doing particular things on one fine day! Subsequently, slowly become more lazy, unstable mood, emotional & sometimes Dislike myself for being like this! Still, not doing anything to change d way I live my life! It's hard for a Libra monkey to set aims/plans/goals.....I'm so undecisive, lazy & boring with no ambitions!!!

I've decided...Nx time when I've something in mind for a particular situation den I should say out tactfully. The outcome/situation may be better or I may feel better rather than feeling guilty & stupid for not saying out!

New year 2011 resolutions.......
1) Be happy
2) Be < lazy & > hardworking 
3) Plan something for myself & make it come true
4) Talk sense & voice out my "Stupid"/ "Clever" opinion(s)
5) Exercise
6) Eat nice food , buy nice clothes/shoes/accessories
7) Treat my VIP in my life better
8) Read books to improve myself (evilsay...sure anot!? Dun buff) 
9) Pray that my supervisor(s) & colleague(s) will less dislike me, jus neutral will do

For now, there are 8, more resolutions to come.....