Sunday, December 26, 2010

Phuket trip 22-25 Dec 2010

Day 1: Took "metered taxi" @ 450Baht to Bann Yuri Resort! After settle down, we went to Jungceylon in Patong. We had Japanese food at Fuji restaurant :) dumplings, salmon sushi, ramen, hot tea & plain's was delicious except d "crabstick sushi :(, d price is reasonable, if I were to go back phuket, I'll definitely go back & eat it again! We did some shopping around d shopping centre...bought some stuffs (Bra & Panty) & my Piglet HP cover! :( haiya, regret for not buying d mickey mouse HP cover too! We walk towards Patong beach to look for dinner spot without knowing exactly d directions.

Finally, we settle down to have steamboat cum BBQ buffet at roadside, d food was alright to fill our stomach. After dinner, we started to walk back to our resort, daddy asked me if I'm tired & want to take cab anot BUT stingy me doesn't want to spend d cab $ to go back. We stopped at a minimart & bought a drink. The taxi guy ask us if we want to take cab back to resort & offered 200baht! I only have 170baht & d person pretend to MR NICE guy & say OK la! He made a round about & go straight & "UP THE HILL"(EMPHASIS) & reached our resort!!! WTH?!! Feels like ganna cheated!!! Otw back to resort, daddy asked me how much $ left then I told him, I spend almost all! Daddy ("scatch head") & asked...U should still have 2000Baht?!! Me (Puzzled;scatch head!!)...What?! I don't have that much left. I did a thorough search for sometime & even calculate d amount spent. Then I was looking for receipt for d exchange rate but I can't find it anywhere.....d only place left is d rubbish I went to look inside d rubbish bin & d 2000baht is inside!!! It's like thrown inside like a "crushed" rubbish! Hahhaaaa.... :> I'm so damn happy like a bird, flying proudly to tell daddy.

PS: Daddy, thanks for nagging at me, if not I won't be searching for d "missing 2000baht" :)))

Day 2: Had morning breakfast at d resort, yummy fav toasted bread wif butter & strawberry Jam, omelette was warm & delicious while other food taste normal. After that we went to Patong beach area to shop area & den took "tutut" (450baht)to Central Festival Phuket. I bought some Winnie Pooh serving plates, cups & Hello kitty Plates too wif 10% discount on Winnie d Pooh items, 1 T-shirt for Brother, 1 ZARA top. We r so lucky to eat at this "SuKiShi"(Charcoal grill & Japanese restaurant) coz ALL food items r on 50% discount!!! I loved the food :>>> YUMMY+++ Thumbs UP... I want to go back there to EAT again :))) We also went to Big C & Tesco Lotus...bought 1 bra & 2 underwear...quite worth buying. , tibits & birdnest. We took Taxi 500baht back to up the hill resort.

After that, we went to Patong beach again to shop & bought a Banana chocolate Pancake & had dinner at Sweet restaurant.....d green curry, Pah Thai was nice :)

Time's 3rd day of d trip lo.....woke up at 6plus & prepare to go to.....

PHI PHI island tour.....EXCITED!!! They pick us up at 7am in d morning & drove abt an hr & we reached d Jetty. We met d crew Jenny, Max & errmmm...can't remember d name of d person who operate d yacht & d rest of d participant. Before we board d yacht, we r instructed to take off off our foot wear & they'll return to us at d end of d adventure! D yacht was beautiful & cosy too! Jenny & Max was sharing with us d experience & places names as we drove into d BIG's a nice & sunny weather. We had sunnyblock on our face & body to prevent sunburn. I look as I'm seasick when we reach our 1st destination & a kind lady offered "gum" to chew on. We alight from d yacht & have 1/2hr to take photos, play with water & we r served with freshly cutted fruits like pomelo, pinapple, dragonfruit, watermelon & also banana's was delicious :) We set off to another area to snorkeling :>>> I was so scare but d crew was very helpful & nice to help me along. Well equipped wif snorkel & facemask, life jacket & a floating board.....finally i was in d water. Jenny patiently taught me how to snorkel & I saw so many beautiful fishes :))) We had a picnic at one of d beach.....we had fried rice, pasta, potato salad, salad, chicken slice, chips, pies & my fav soft bread.....yummy..... After Lunch we went to monkey beach & 2nd snorkeling session.....of coz I'm still scared but I still sucesfully went to see alot of fishes !!! We stopped at a beach to have a beer & fruits(Papaya, watermelon, pinapple, rock melon plus kit kat & fruit cake) session again before we head back to d shore.....Heheee...I think i ate alot :)) We went back to d resort & had some rest before our finally shopping around Patong beach at night. We wanted to catch some fireworks but suddenly it starts to rain at we went back to resort via FOC resort transfer.

Day 4: Home sweet home!!!