Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm feeling.......

It has quite a while since I last posted my wishful thinking that might not happen in real lift. Read a post in d newspaper my Christorpher Lee...he put on 7kg!!! He mentioned that his blood group is O+, likes to eat meat & high carbohydrates food.....sound like me!!! This month, I've been thinking of eating meat!!! Omg?! Nv even exercise once this month & in 2 more days, is end of November!!! I shall comfort & fool myself with reasons like.....blame it on auntie visit(good appetite, many cravings), stress emotionally & physically at Wk ( eat to destress to prevent depression), happenings at home like dad hospitalized, mom bully me :( etc.... Whatever!!! Going to be FAT monkey?!

Sometimes, we really need to b in their role in order to understands others better! But when we realise that may indicates that we've regretted for making that decision. We may be guilt minion!!! I can't turn d clock back to mend d situation that I've created, I can only do my best to "stitch up" d already created wound. I want to remind myself do Yr best in making decision, conversion & etc. I just pray that my "close friend" will try to understand my situationS. My WISHES..... Hope my dad can come home safely.
