Sunday, August 29, 2010

My thoughts

27 August'10

Went to taka shopping wif Belinda for my birthday present. But end up I'm not happy coz I realized something. I've  very monkey hand coz i touch all d wallets but still can't make up my mind. Belinda show mi "face", jus like LC! Haizz... Now den I realize that y I feel happier to buy things alone! I take my own sweet time to choose, touch & buy at my own pace. I dun need to worry if I'm wasting other pple's time & dun make pple upset. I can accompany pple to choose but vice verse. Good! Now den realize. 

28 August' 10

Elaine's hens party at Sentosa Siloso area.  
The theme color is Pink but I dun hv time to buy so I wear what I can find & end up I look so furni as usual, but who cares rite as long as I like! I'm responsible for balloon part & take some nice pictures & EAT! It's quite scary, challenging & U must b abit drunk to b more brave. Overall, had great fun with Siti, Walla, Mirana, Jessie & Regine.

Life is not "FAIR"?! Do u agree? Do u disagree? What r yr rationale?! Why?!
At different stage of life, u may hv different friends? Why is it so?!
So grumpy due to?!! Wahahaa